Greetings Community,
I just recently started coding, for fun :)
And I thought why not join the forums it is handy if you got a problem etc.
So anyway Well met

I ain't going to give any advice because other people will.
(Always happend when someone is new here)

Greetz Fint

PS: Originallity is the key to succes =P
Nagash wrote:
Greetings Community,
I just recently started coding, for fun :)
And I thought why not join the forums it is handy if you got a problem etc.
So anyway Well met

Hello. Good luck with the coding.
In response to Fint
Nice name! (That was not intended to be sarcastic, but take it as you like)

I have some random tips that I have picked up in my travels :

1.Always back-up! I didn't, and my computer got whiped and I lost months of work!
2.Put little reminders all over your code for when you refer back to it later (use // to do so)
3.As Fint said, Originality is the key!
4.Use the demos!!!!
5.Use the demos!!!!

I said use the demos twice, because they are so useful and really help you learn!

Good luck!


src<<"Hello! Welcome to BYOND! Check out the tutorials and demos!"
src<<"You should also check out some libraries, the Bwicki, old forum posts, and DigitalBYOND and BYONDscape reviews and articles!
src<<"Bye! <-Airjoe->"
del world
In response to Airjoe
Lol Airjoe! If I had had a post like that when I started it would have made me think the entire BYOND community was nuts! Now I have been here I while I don't think it, I know it! Just kidding guys, y'all are mostly cool!


P.s. Try to use capitals appropriatly in your thread posts Nagash! It can get annoying ! :P
Nagash wrote:
Greetings Community,
I just recently started coding, for fun :)
And I thought why not join the forums it is handy if you got a problem etc.
So anyway Well met

world <<"<font size=3>Nagash</font> has entered the world of BYOND!"

In response to Ease
Alright, sorry I'll try to do so from now on :).
Thanks for the warm welcome, I defenitly notice a good atmosphere here, I like it.
Well good luck with the coding everyone.
In response to Airjoe
Airjoe wrote:
<code>world/name="BYOND" > > mob/Login() > ..() > if(src.key="Nagash") > src<<"Hello! Welcome to BYOND! Check out the tutorials and demos!" > src<<"You should also check out some libraries, the Bwicki, old forum posts, and DigitalBYOND and BYONDscape reviews and articles! <font color=blue>//ARRRRRGH!</font> > src.GM=1 > src<<"Bye! <-Airjoe->" > del world</code>

*slaps Airjoe* Unterminated text string! Bad! Boy! ;-D

(You know you've been programming in DM for too long when you can spot errors like that just by skimming through code... half the time I don't even bother to check the line number on compiler errors! =D )

And close your friggin' DM tags. =P And use <code> tags when there's no HTML to filter out, so that it wraps and doesn't cause evil horizontal scroll bars.


*ahem* Back on topic, Crispy!

Don't be put off too much by that, Nagash - spend too long helping people in Newbie Central, and it becomes automatic. =P It's all fun and games in here!*

Anyways, make sure you read all of the tutorials. Religiously. This link is your friend! You shall bookmark it, live with it, eat with it, and sleep with-- er, yeah, well, you get the idea. =D

<font size=-3>*Until someone loses an eye... just kidding! Really!</font>
I just have a few suggestions for you.. stay away from dbz rips. People in there can drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience :). Give Mafia a try :)(definitely a great game).

Oh yeah.. stay away from Garthor, he'll try to eat you :-[.

If you need help with something, post it in the correct forum. People seem to get mad when they're in teh wrong forum. Meh, who cares :-D *posts in creations*
In response to Ease

1.Always back-up! I didn't, and my computer got whiped and I lost months of work!

Yes that is a very good idea, I did the same thing (not backing up, and lost alot of work).

Welcome to byond Nagash hope you enjoy it here :)