if i make global variables under world like team pts are these automatically saved or is there a proc needed from time to time so that all is not lost if world sleeps/crashes? Thanks
I made a world save and world load so if my world goes down for any reason its saved and its loaded when it goes back up.
In response to Aridale
ok..I'm a total newb.well not total I guess since I do have 200 rooms in this game LOL they just don't do much right now. I haven't worked on the character saving or loading so I'm not sure how to save the world either LOL Is there an easy way to do this once I get the variables identified that need to save?
BlueTeamPoints = 0
RedTeamPoints = 0
GreenTeamPoints = 0
var/savefile/F = new("Worldvars.sav")
F["BTP"] << BlueTeamPoints
F["RTP"] << RedTeamPoints
F["GTP"] << GreenTeamPoints
var/savefile/F = new("Worldwavs.sav")
F["BTP"] >> BlueTeamPoints
F["RTP"] >> RedTeamPoints
F["GTP"] >> GreenTeamPoints
In response to Buzzyboy
just 1 question--why do the save files get different names? thanks
In response to Illiania
Because he made a typo, you should probably fix it.
In response to Nadrew
Here's my world code (variables are all defined above this)

New() //overrides the world's New() proc

for (var/Atype in typesof(/area)) //loops through area prototypes
var/area/A = new Atype //creates a new instance of each prototype
A.tag = //makes its tag the same as its name

..() //calls the parent

var/savefile/F = new("Worldvars.sav")
F["GPTS"] << gryffindorpts
F["SPTS"] << slytherinpts
F["RPTS"] << ravenclawpts
F["HPTS"] << hufflepuffpts
F["HB"] << headboys
F ["HG"] << headgirls
F["Gry"] << gryffindor
F["Sly"] << slytherin
F["Rav"] << ravenclaw
F["Huf"] << hufflepuff
F["Pre"] << prefects

var/savefile/F = new("Worldvars.sav")

F["GPTS"] >> gryffindorpts
F["SPTS"] >> slytherinpts
F["RPTS"] >> ravenclawpts
F["HPTS"] >> hufflepuffpts
F["HB"] >> headboys
F ["HG"] >> headgirls
F["Gry"] >> gryffindor
F["Sly"] >> slytherin
F["Rav"] >> ravenclaw
F["Huf"] >> hufflepuff
F["Pre"] >> prefects

When I compile I get:

loading hogwarts.dme expression :warning: variable defined but not used expression :warning: variable defined but not used

hogwarts.dmb - 2 errors, 2 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

when I take out the invalid expression lines, the next line down becomes the invalid line. I'm not familiar enough with this (or understand it, although I'm reading the guide). Unfortunately I'm a hands-on learner LOL Anyone see the problem?
In response to Illiania
Makin a HP game huh? =) I love HP =) As for your question and errors tho I have no idea =( only thing I see wrong is F ["HG"] << headgirls it should be like the rest and no space after F and before [ other than that I dont see what the problem is without tryin to compile the source mahself.