Ok, what Im trying to do in this set of coding Ill show in a sec is have every type of wall in the world dissappear when you enter a certain spot, Im not sure exactly why it wont work so I hope you can help me, thanks in advance if help is given.
invisibility = 0
density = 1
layer = 99
density = 1
opacity = 1
icon = 'CornersWalls.dmi'
density = 1
opacity = 1
for(fake_walls in world.contents)
density = 0
invisibility = 100
opacity = 0
for(fake_walls in world.contents)
density = 1
invisibility = 1
opacity = 1
var/list/fake_walls = typesof(/turf/fake_walls)
![]() Oct 23 2003, 2:40 pm
![]() Oct 23 2003, 4:36 pm
It looks to me like you're searching for all fake_walls lists in the world and turning them invisible. Why not use for(var/turf/fake_walls in world)?
I put in what you suggested, but instead of nothing happening, the floor that the Entered/Exited proc was at turned invisible, dense, and non-see through.
Heh whoops, for(var/turf/fake_walls/F in world) is more like it and when you set the density and other vars use F.density=0. That will find a turf belonging to the fake_walls type and set it to as a new var F. Using F.density instead of density will change that turfs density instead of default src, then it will repeat the proccess for every turf of type fake_walls in the world. :)