Hi! please could someone tell me how to make a autohosting system?

Thanks for your time

Auto hosting? You mean when the world boots up it automatically sets a port? Simple:

File: The dmb file to run in a new server or null to load the current world.
Port: The network port to start the new server on. A value of 0 indicates that any available port should be used.
Options: Any number of the options listed below. Each option should be in an argument by itself. If the option takes a parameter, this can be in the same argument or in the following one.
The valid options are:
automatically shuts down the server when all players have logged off.
-log <logfile>
sends all server output to the specified file. The path to the file is relative to the world directory (the path containing the world .dmb file).
is identical to "-log [YourWorldFile].log".
runs the server in a special protective mode. The server may only access files in the same directory (or below) as the dmb file and access to the shell() command is disabled. This is the default mode if no security setting is specified and the world is run from a directory by the same name as the dmb file.
-home <path>
runs with the specified "safe home" directory. Normally, in safe mode the directory containing the world dmb file is the safe home.
like -safe, this prohibits all file access. This is the default if no security mode is specified and the world is not run from a directory with the same name.
allows full access to files on the computer and to the shell() command. Note that this does not bypass the normal security of the operating system. For example, in the UNIX operating system, all of the usual access restrictions apply. This mode merely removes BYOND's built-in safety checks.
-params <paramtext>
this is for passing user-defined parameters to the world. Multiple parameters may be packed into a single argument or -params may be used several times. In either case, the parameters are all loaded into world.params when the world starts up. The parameter format is "name1=value1&name2=value2&...".
disables the server's normal output indicating the BYOND version number and network port.
disables automatic date/time output in the log.
runs the world as a CGI program (to be executed by a web server). A /client object is automatically created for the user and any output sent to the associated mob gets returned to the user's web browser. This option is normally specified in the compile-time setting: world.executor, which is automatically initialized for you if you include html/ from the html library.
-suid <path>
runs the world as the owner of the specified directory or path. This only works if DreamDaemon is running as root on operating systems where there even is such a thing.
runs the world as the owner of the world dmb file. This only works if DreamDaemon is running as root on operating systems where there even is such a thing.
-cd <path>
runs with the specified working directory. Normally, the directory containing the world dmb file is used.
-port P
sets the network port to P. The port may also be specified as a positional argument (following the .dmb name).
-ports <list>
restricts the range of ports that DreamDaemon and any child worlds may use. The syntax of list is a comma separated list of ports or ranges of ports. Example: -ports 1234,1236,1240-1250.
The address of the new server in the form ip:port.
Just call world.OpenPort(portnum) in world.New()

OpenPort(0) //Open a random port that's available

In response to sapphiremagus
sapphiremagus wrote:
Just call world.OpenPort(portnum) in world.New()

> world
> New()
> ..()
> OpenPort(0) //Open a random port that's available
