Oct 27 2003, 10:05 pm
Gender is not set or saved or loaded anywhere in my game. Never. Its always based strictly on the players key so that if the owner of the key is male his character has to be male same for female. So could anyone tell my why all of a sudden my gender is set to plural for whatever reason? I searched all my game files and the world plural isnt even in there. I also set my game to save and load gender and edited my gender to male ingame and when I reloaded it it was STILL plural. Any ideas?
Oct 27 2003, 11:46 pm
Plural is a valid BYOND gender, it's the "neutral" basis.
In response to Nadrew
Plural is different from neuter, and I'm pretty sure neuter is the default; not plural.
From the reference entry for "gender var (atom)": <code>Default value: "neuter" Valid values are: "neuter" "male" "female" "plural"</code> The only thing I can suggest is to reset the gender based on the client's gender every time the character is loaded. |
In response to Crispy
Yeah, but they mean the same thing, I think plural was supposed to be removed some time ago, it's pretty pointless.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Yeah, but they mean the same thing Actually, they mean just the opposite. |
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Yeah, but they mean the same thing, I think plural was supposed to be removed some time ago, it's pretty pointless. No it doesn't, no it wasn't, and no it isn't. Even Lodu is wrong... plural doesn't mean "plural genders" but rather "plural people or objects". Have you ever made a game with objects that stack in quantity? And you go to pick one up, it displays, "Nadrew gets \a [thingamobob]." If it's actually 10 thingamobobs and you have their gender set to plural, \a is read as "some". It's also a useful for singular objects which are usually read as plural, "some wool" instead of "a wool", for example. Or a mob which represents a colony of creatures, a swarm of rats, or a literal mob of people... calling them he or she would be weird, and "it" would still be a little bit off. Set gender to plural and you get "they", "their", and "them" for pronouns. Anyways, we're all overlooking the actual problem that was posted here, that gender doesn't seem to set correctly for some reason. |
In response to Hedgemistress
see I didnt know all that Hedge. Useful for the future but as for whats happenin, I dunno. I logged in my GM account and all he would be is a head floating with eyes and hair (the entire head is overlays to the body) and his gender was plural editing it ingame with my GM verbs and calling my fixicon verb Ive been usin to test some stuff fixes it all right up. But it got set back to plural when I rebooted the world or quit testin and came back. I logged in and hosted and logged in my other key I use for to help test as an actual player not GM and he was loaded into 1,1,1 instead of the last place I logged him out, with no overlays whatsoever but his gender was male. I said ahh well I dunno wtf is goin on so I'll wait for some replies on the forums and I ignored it and went on workin on my game like nothin was wrong. I worked on some new verbs and a town all totally unrelated and seperate from anything to do with icons or genders and when I logged in to test it my GM char was fine. His gender was male again and his icon was intact. My other char still has no overlays but he'll have to be remade cause those things are saved and for some reason when it was messin up they got saved as null.
But I havent run my game yet today so I dunno if its gonna get all screwy on me again or what. But I have no idea why it woulda been doin for only a little while lastnight I checked my key info on here too and its set to male /shrug |