Dec 19 2014, 12:21 pm
Tk037 I tried to fill in what you did, but its not working. should I not make the thing i want to respond an obj or what?
Oh what. Are you trying to make a virtual civilization? Oh wait, that exists. That's the internet!
In response to Audio freak XD
It's too bad we can't pay people to be NPCs by standing around a shop 24/7...
In response to Dayvon64
Dayvon64 wrote:
Tk037 I tried to fill in what you did, but its not working. should I not make the thing i want to respond an obj or what? It depends on your Say verb of course, the one I made above works like verb/Say(var/phrase as text) And in this case, the only ones to respond would be for(var/mob/NPCS/F in oview(4,src)) /mob/NPCS, and anything derived from /mob/NPCS/ like mob/NPCS/Ogre If you change that to for(var/obj/F in oview(4,src)) //NOTE THE var/obj/F Then objs will now try to respond; however, you now have to make sure objs have the following in their definition so they know how var and after that, if you have a Fairy or something make sure it still has the list of questions like obj |
You could actually have a multitude of two people having conversations with each other and then calculate what words/sentences are followed by something else. Store it in a list and save it in a file. This follow up of words will be called a follow-up combo. Based on how often a follow-up combo occurs, use that as a prob() to select which sentence the AI should say next.
I kind of feel like doing this. Making my own chat AI in BYOND kind of like cleverbot. It seems feasible. Edit: https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/cleverbot-api |
Cool, thank you guys. Could I add any of you on pager just for quick tips or something?
I don't care. It's not like I use the friend system anyways. Man.. I miss the old pager... Or, at least the unique parts about it. This new pager looks good, but isn't good.
He said he didn't care Day, that's a 'do as you will' kind of thing.
Xirre. I too, miss the old pager. :C |
In response to Dayvon64
Dayvon64 wrote:
Tk037 I tried to fill in what you did, but its not working. should I not make the thing i want to respond an obj or what? I strongly recommend this for you: http://www.byond.com/developer/Dantom/YourFirstWorld. Also, English lessons, and the Shift Key. |
In response to Ease
Ease wrote:
Dayvon64 wrote: What a dick. Lol. |
In response to Xirre
Dude's got my vote.
In response to Zecronious
Zecronious wrote:
Dude's got my vote. Same. |
In response to Ease