Okay, i host my own server of my game. Every 10 seconds, or less, it logs me out, if i log on again, it just logs me right back out. It doesnt say anything either, so im thinking this is a general fault by Byond. Someone tell me if theres other reasons to this.
Metroid wrote:
Okay, i host my own server of my game. Every 10 seconds, or less, it logs me out, if i log on again, it just logs me right back out. It doesnt say anything either, so im thinking this is a general fault by Byond. Someone tell me if theres other reasons to this.

This is a bug in your game. Something is deleting your mob or its client, which is causing you to log out.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
hahaha yea its BYOND all right it made you add that del (M) to your code.
In response to HendrixandCamo
Make sure you have the .=..() in the New() and Login() code of the mob, world, client, etc. Or if the ..() is at the end, return ..() will do. You may not even need to return the value, depends on the procedure.
In response to Yota
Dont listen to his crazy talk ;)
In response to HendrixandCamo
The funny thing is, he's actually correct. Countless times I spend ages trying to figure out why I can't play my game, when all that's happening is that my New() or Login() code isn't returned properly.
In response to HendrixandCamo
Your an idiot, I dont have a del(M) in my code anywhere, and why would that delete me when im not doing crap? It would delete the player who is doing it, not me, and I'm not that dumb that I add a del(M) maybe, just maybe, you are, but i know im not.
In response to Yota
Well, my Login() code has that, but my CreatingCharacter() doesnt...but it hasnt really done wrong on me

base_save_allowed = 0 // If player quits before choosing, don't want to save this mob

prompt_title = "New Character"
help_text = "What do you want to name the character?"
default_value = key
char_name = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) as null|text
if (!char_name) //guess they don't want to create a new character after all, so send them to choose a character
ckey_name = ckey(char_name)
character = client.base_CharacterNames()
if (character.Find(ckey_name))
alert("You already have a character named that! Please choose another name.")
alert("In this game, you start out as a blue slime. The more exp you get and the higher level you are, will make you into a different color slime. This symbolizes that you are a more advanced player that has more experience in the game, what they say to you or others might help you.")
alert("When you change color, you level increments are better, causing your levels to be better. This will cause in fun gameplay.")
alert("Any questions, comments, or suggestions should be emailed to")
alert("If your new, make sure you check out the newbie guide! Just look under the tab Commands for the button Newbie Guide.")
new_mob = new /mob/blue = char_name
src.client.mob = new_mob
new_mob.loc = locate(16,16,1)
new_mob << "<font color = blue><i>You wake up one morning to find a book on your desk. Your mom is also at the desk and says,</i> <font color = blue><b>''You should take this journal with you so that if you go anywhere and get tired, you can rest and write your progress in it!'' </b><font color = blue><i> You take the book."

tell me what I should do to get it to work properly.