I am having two problems. The first one is I have a Repop() that run every few min or so. It does a great job at recreating things that have been picked up or things that have been killed.

world << "A year has passed and the earth has grown back to it's origanal state."
repoping_world = 1
spawn(1000) Reload_World()

The problem I am having is getting it to delete all the dameged things. Ie, dead trees, holes, ect, ect. I tried something like

del /obj/temp/

in witch the object code was

icon = 'destroyed.bmp'
layer = TURF_LAYER

That didn't work. Any ideas?

The secound problem revolves around that object I just posted above. I have a .bmp file that is 128 pixles by 128 pixles. So it should take up 4 icon tiles on the map when it is created right? Well it dosn't and I am really lost as to why, because if I creat it on the mapmaking thingy it takes up a 4 by 4 tile space. But when I say
it takes up one tile.

Ok, if you want them to be deleted then I suggest adding a for(var/obj/temp/T in world) del(T). If you want them to be deleted and then replaced with new ones do that before the world.Repop() (Assuming they are on the map to begin with).

As for the bmp thing, when a atom uses a .bmp as an icon it is split into 32x32 pixel icon_states, and one shrunk version of the image.
The icon states are then numbered according to their position in the puzzle (Ie, 0,0 is the bottom left corner), and the shrunk image is the null state.
In response to DarkView
So there is no way to jsut make the whole bmp file apper esaly?
In response to TK6000
1,1 would be the top right, assuming the icon is 64x64 pixels.
In response to DarkView
Alright thanks, that helps alot. I wish you could just make the whole dang thing pop up wiht out having to call all the icon_states and telling them where to go though.