I have another question.. Right now I'm developing a shopkeeper system... so naturally I've downloaded a few demos..but the problem with those is that they define a list with their mob...and just run off of that...

A. What I need is a shopkeeper that actually has the objects attached to him..

B. And then reads off the list of his wares to an input box, reading from the contents variable..

Well the mob does B...but the problem is...A:) if someone could write an quick example it would be quite sounds rather painless...but I'm not getting it:) thanks..
I'm not sure at all if this would work, but I'll post it anyway. :P

contents=list(new /obj/SomeRandomObject,new /obj/SomeOtherRandomObject)

If that doesn't work you could always add objects to his contents in New().

contents+=new /obj/YetAnotherRandomObject

Hope this helps. :)
In response to Jnco904
it looks like both ur solutions are the same thing...but a different way to format that great i must add... much thanks:D

p.s. i tried the second solution off the bat..because of the nicer layout..i havent checked the first one:)
In response to Jerico2day
The first one was just expiremental anyway, glad I could help. :)
In response to Jnco904
just tried the first one for giggles and it works as well