Hi is it possible to make a mind control verb for gms so they can control others if needed?
I don't see mind control as a necessity, more of a tool for bored or evil GMs. If you mean "mind control" as making them say something:
Mind_Control(mob/M in world)
var/T = input("What will you make them say?") as null|text
if(!T) return
world << "[M] shouts: [T]"
In response to Enigmaster2002
Enigmaster2002 wrote:
I don't see mind control as a necessity, more of a tool for bored or evil GMs. If you mean "mind control" as making them say something:
> mob
> GM
> verb
> Mind_Control(mob/M in world)
> var/T = input("What will you make them say?") as null|text
> if(!T) return
> world << "[M] shouts: [T]"

nope i meant control them not say i can do that.


i only want so i can move around npcs in game
In response to CrazyFighter
You should check out S_Admin by Spuzzum, it has a great verb so you can take over NPCs.
In response to CrazyFighter
Yes, you can definitely do that, its where most of the fun is to be had as a DM, and is very useful if you're trying to role-play a situation. You would accomplish something like this by setting a mob's key to the key of the person you want to control that mob. Example:

mob/dm/verb/posess(var/mob/M as mob in world)
M.verbs += /mob/dm/verb/posess // add the verb to the target mobs verb list, so you can posess something else to get out of that mob
if(!istype(src,/mob/dm)) // if the src mob is not a dm
src.verbs -= /mob/dm/verb/posess // take away the posess verb, so previously posessed mobs won't go posessing other things
M.key = usr.key // set the mobs key to the usr of the verb's key

This will allow /mob/dm's to posess other mobs. If you posess a player, it will disconnect them from your world, as they will no longer be connected to a mob. "No two clients can occupy the same mob" at least key-wise. There is nothing here preventing you from posessing another DM, either, so you may want to add the appropriate safeguards for what you intend to do.
In response to ZeroCrash
ZeroCrash wrote:
You should check out S_Admin by Spuzzum, it has a great verb so you can take over NPCs.
