I need some help on how to make card overlays only you can see and the play field and stuff. If anyone can help me plz IM me at LeahcimOcerg.
Yep, You are new. So don't start off with a big project. Start off small. And don't say "I'm not a newbie" because you are if you don't know how to code those ideas you wanted coded.

In response to Siientx
ok... well i used to know alot of coding but i quit for awhile and now i forgot everything.
In response to Leahcim
Relearn it.

In response to Siientx
can u teach me lol?
In response to Leahcim
There are tutorials , faqs and all kinds of stuff to learn DM , how about you try there first ?
In response to Jazzshady
yeah but most i dont really get
In response to Leahcim
Neither did I at first but jus tdo simple tutorials over and over and you will get it and it will all start to slip into place I suggest this tutorial myself :
In response to Jazzshady
Ok now i know they dont have tutorials for this. how do i make a webpage where if you click softhing a picture comes up in it(like in proliem or however u spell it).
In response to Leahcim
You know HTML, right? If you don't, learn. =P

Use browse_rsc() to send the image file to the player's cache. For example:

<code>src << browse_rsc('myimage.png')</code>

Then use browse() to display an HTML file that refers to that image.
src << browse("<html><head><title>My picture</title></head><body><img src='myimage.png'></body></html>")