Save2Text(savefile as text, textfile as text)
var/savefile/edit = new(savefile)
var/txt = file(textfile)
edit[ckey] << usr

Text2Save(textfile as text, savefile as text)
var/savefile/edit = new(savefile)
var/txt = file(textfile)
edit[ckey] >> usr

I dont get it.I dont see anything wrong wiht it at all but I still cant get it to work.

heres the error i got.
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 16)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 0)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 0)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 0)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 1)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 1)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 0)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unexpected character (ascii 0)
chrisshehu.sav:1: unterminated text (expecting ')
BYOND Error: failed to parse savefile text at line 1 (reading ''''): expecting ;</<>
At what point are you getting the error?
In response to Garthor
when im running the program at teh point after i type in chrisshehu.sav and click ok it gives me that error in teh dream seeker window and creates a file of some sort a blank one that sasy chrisshehu or whatever i saved the .txt as and theres nothign in it and its a invailid format