![]() Dec 20 2003, 10:38 pm
My Map Doesnt even Show up for some reason theres no error can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
I'm pretty sure you over ride mob/Login() and forgot to call the parent procedure: ..(), or set a starting location.
When i press Ctrl+B it comes to black screen is that normal oand do have to wait till it loads so i can play my game?
When it comes to a black screen...Goku72 is right.
You need, when someone logs in, specificy WHERE on the map they must be placed. mob/Login() That should fix it. |
What file is that in How do i Get people to Connect to my Game and Host their own games? What file should i place the login file thingy at?
You just paged me with an question...
"How to make other players host?" Simple. In the code, you'll see "Compile", click it. Next, click "Package Files", and then make sure you select "World Executable Files". On the next screen, you'll have to see where you'll save the .ZIP file (you need to upload the file to your HUB entry, if you don't have one, create one!), and then you could (if not specificied in the code with world/hub) put in your HUB entry's name (which you'll get when you make a HUB entry). Then you can choose to have a clean compile (remove all unused files, UNRECOMMEND) and/or to put an additional .EXE file in the package (for people that do not have BYOND, it tempts them to install it!) Then you can upload the file to your HUB entry, and your host(s) can click "Download and run your own game" (unless you selected that it wasn't a game but a sourcecode) and the .ZIP file will be downloaded and runned. |
Login code can go in any file, have you ticked the map file to make sure its included?If so have you put
mob Login() src.loc=locate(,,)// wherever you want them to start |
Phoenix Man, you clearly don't know what this code actually does:
> mob/Login() Because you've told it to do one thing, then cancel it out and do another thing that's almost identical. ..() means "Do what the parent code does".... for instance, if you have a mob, and you have a mob/warrior, putting ..() in mob/warrior/Login() makes it treat ..() as the whole block of code for mob/Login(). Putting it in mob/Login() makes it do the built in Login() procedure. And what does the built in login procedure do? It moves the character in question to the bottom left corner of the first map level, or the closest empty space. So why am I biting your head off for trying to help? I'm not. First, I'm correcting one of your errors in understanding because if you don't know the actual purpose behind putting ..(), you're going to make mistakes that do worse things then perform redundant actions. Second, I'm asking you very emphatically that if you insist on using code you don't understand and assume that if it seems to work it must be fine... do not share that code with others on the Newbie Forum who are here to learn. You damage them. If you know the purpose and function behind every line you're posting, post. If not, don't. Better yet, do post, but on its own subject, asking someone to explain the concept to you. |
dont you also need > world Another example of lines of code that do absolutely nothing. world/mob tells the game which type of mob to make for new clients (player connections). It defaults to /mob. Telling the game world.mob = /mob is telling the game to do absolutely nothing different then what it does anyway. This is why I go on about how you should not use code you don't understand! You were sure you "need" to put this code in, and Phoenix Man was sure he needed "..()" because he'd seen people saying that... I'm sure he's seen people say that, but what he's overlooking and you're overlooking is that knowing if something is necessary is a distant second behind knowing -why-, because nothing is always necessary. Some things are "necessary if..." and somethings are "necessary because..." but nothing is necessary by itself.... if it were necessary, they'd have made it a default or a built in procedure, and then it wouldn't be necessary for you to do it. |
In addition to Lexy's comment, I must emphatically add that teaching newbies to put usr in Login() is a terrible idea. I mean really truly horrendous. It's so horrible there should be a fine.
Login() is only semi-safe for usr; it works only in certain rather common default situations, but as soon as you add something like character handling or mob switching, it breaks. But src in Login() is always correct. Lummox JR |
on the left handside i have a black screen how to get rid of the black screen in order to fix my game?
on the right hand side i get BYOND(334.839) Error: missing or invalid Zeta.rsc file (0/97 resource files found). Guarded By Spam Protector (V.2.1) BYOND(334.839) Error: error downloading resource file. How do fix that? |
The map (.dmp) file(s) must be checked in order for it to be displayed.
Also, maybe you putted in a code so the map is not displayed.
You should try pressing control/ctrl+M (and perhaps control/ctrl+B after that). If that shows the map, it is indeed a problem that I mentioned. If it doesn't...hey, have you got a map?