What is a code how i can get ppl to Make their own Guild and the leader can set Guild Recruiters to recruit players into the guide how can i do that?
A code, you say? Look no further!

Look up lists and datums. A datum is basically like a normal object that doesn't go on the map at all; so you use can it for abstract concepts, like a guild. You'll probably want to create a type of datum for guilds and give it some variables; like a list of people in the guild, a list of recruiters, and a var specifying the owner of the guild. Players should also have a var referencing the guild datum that is the guild they currently belong to (make it a list if they can belong to multiple guilds).

Then you can give people verbs for creating guilds, disbanding guilds, inviting people into guilds, leaving guilds, appointing recruiters for the guild(s) you own, and so on.
In response to Crispy
Actually Crispy, I've already answered his question a couple days ago, but I guess he never checked the post. It was a bit crude, but he could've edited it.

Post [link]
In response to Airjoe
He wanted "the code". Enough said, I think. =P Anyway, better for him to make it himself. That way it'll fit what he wants exactly, and he'll learn so he doesn't have to ask again.
In response to Crispy
How the <beep> am i suppose to learn without any help i am only a newbie

(edited for language- digitalmouse)
In response to Govegtos
You don't swear. And there's plenty of help. What you are asking for is a wheelchair and someone to push it for you.
In response to Govegtos
You're not supposed to learn without any help. So what are you complaining about? =P Airjoe gave you help. I gave you help. There are guild demos in abundance; I know of at least five. There's even one in the DM.Demos channel, which means it must be at least half-decent. (Do an advanced search of the hub, and search for "guild" in the DM.Demos channel.)

If you want to learn, you have to be prepared to try. Nobody can help you learn by force-feeding you code. Let's try an analogy here; a school teacher is teaching Bob to do simple addition. There are a few ways she could do this. She could tell him that 2+3=5, and make him remember it. Then she could tell him 2+4=6, and make him remember that as well. See the problem? She has to make him memorise every single calculation she teaches him, and there are a LOT of calculations out there. =)

It'd be much better if she actually taught him how to add up; that way, give him any addition problem and he'd be able to solve it, given enough time. At first, it would be harder for him to learn, and harder for her to teach; but once he understands the concept, vroom! He's outta there. Bob doesn't have to remember anything else apart from how to add up, and he can solve any addition problem. He would have had to memorise millions of different sums if the teacher had taught him the first way, and he would have forgotten most of it.

Okay, now pretend that Bob is you, and that you're learning how to program instead of how to add up. I could just throw you "a code" for every situation, but then you'd be forever asking for "a code" for every new feature you want to add; and there's no such thing as "a code" anyway, because it has to be customised to fit in with the rest of your code. If you work out how to code through practice (which is the best and probably only way), then eventually you'll be able to code pretty much anything. That's how you learn.

So go over all the help you've been given and all the other help you have access to. Try to understand. If you can't, that's fine; tell us *exactly* (and I mean exactly) what you don't understand and we'll help you with it.
In response to Garthor
i could if i was disabled from the hip and up then yes
In response to Govegtos
It's really hard to be disabled from the hip up. Unless, of course, your butt happens to be your brain.