Can you translate plz
Into stupid?
What do you want? A five page essay on how doors are objects with knobs?
Can you translate plz Into stupid? What do you want? A five page essay on how doors are objects with knobs? |
I give up, you are on your own. There is no excuse for this level of stupidity. This is harsh, but when I said helping you was like pulling teeth, I mean pulling teetch out of a T-REX. You really need to stop posting in one-sentence posts, and give us some information. Do NOT QUOTE THE POST if you are saying something that is only slightly related to what you are saying. "Could you Translate that for me?" No, I cannot, because it is already in DM, all you have to do is copy and paste it, if you want other people to make your game for you, why don't you just put an ad out on clasifieds "Make my game for me." NONE of what you have accomplished this week has even been worthwhile, anyone can tell you that your code is so bugged there is no way to salvage it except by tossing it out altogether. As much as I hate being this rude, I don't think you deserve help if you aren't willing to come halfway. I'm sorry I encouraged your behavior by giving you code snippets. |
Ter13 wrote:
Search for posts made by this guy, you will see why I am irked by him, he has posted this topic at least half a dozen times over the past few days. Unfortunately that behavior hasn't been limited to this thread either. He's done reposts on other topics, all with the word "guild" in them without really describing what he means by that, or in some cases why guilds are even relevant. There were two helpful posts on this thread before I made my first long post repremanding him for his method of recieving help. They were deleted by administrators, and they left my "insults" alone, I assume they think that it needed saying. I think it needed saying in spades. And in order to help someone you have to know how to do so, this is what I have been trying to do for about a day and a half now, it's like pulling teeth! He has given me no answers to any of MY questions, he merely restates his original question. Well, he's at least starting not to restate questions in new threads, but he does need to stop, think about his question, and ask it in more detail. Adding a single new piece of info isn't enough to help. Lummox JR |
Ter13 wrote:
Can you translate plz Just a friendly warning here that this is getting too far into flame territory now. But the point is important nonetheless. Govegtos, what exactly are you expecting? Some magic code block you can plunk into your game and blithely assume it works? At no point have you provided detail about what your guilds even are, let alone how they're organized, and you seem to think showing someone a screen shot would clear up those questions. When pressed for details you provide one vague piece of information that may or may not have any bearing on the issue, like in this case where you talked about how the game decides who can join or invite other members. That has nothing to do with any aspect of guild organization that we need to know about. And when not pressed for details, you simply, as Ter13 said, restate your original question. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
Ter13 wrote: I APPREACATE ALL THE HELP YOU GUYS GIVE ME BUT STILL I AM 9999% NEWBIE AT THIS WHAT IS DM What does that mean everyone has to start somewhere? and does that guild thing work? |
Govegtos wrote:
I APPREACATE ALL THE HELP YOU GUYS GIVE ME BUT STILL I AM 9999% NEWBIE AT THIS WHAT IS DM What does that mean everyone has to start somewhere? and does that guild thing work? You need to put <dm> tags around your code when you post it in the forums, so the HTML in it won't be taken literally by the browser. Lummox JR |
You made the guild system, so you should know how it works. |
DM is the language that you program in using Dream Maker. If you meant DM tags, Lummox JR just explained that to you.
Your problem is that, well... you don't know how to program. You think taking bits of other people's code and mashing it together will somehow make it work? No. It won't. Programming isn't like building a house; it's more like an art form than a game of Tetris. I went looking for the most utterly basic programming tutorial I could find. It's not about BYOND specifically (it's about Python, which is similar in a few ways), but hopefully it will help you get an idea of the basic concepts behind programming: <font size=-2>Actually I don't know how helpful that will be, but it's all I could find... if anyone knows about a tutorial that really goes into the logic behind programming, please post a link to it... I'm begging you... I think I'm going insane... -_-</font> |
Crispy wrote:
DM is the language that you program in using Dream Maker. If you meant DM tags, Lummox JR just explained that to you. To tell you the truth i dont anything about coding i dont know now my friend i found this code so that i could use it in my game :-( |
Yeah, well, like I said that's not going to work. You can't just get "a code" and then ask people to make it work. That's like trying to put together a puzzle using random pieces from hundreds of different puzzles; it just doesn't work.
I think you really need a thorough grounding in theory before you try and actually program anything. I had a programming teacher a while ago who was absolutely crazy about theory, he'd be perfect for you. I'm really not sure that I or anyone else on this board can help you with that; it's incredibly difficult to explain. Either you get it, or you don't. |
Can you translate plz