Hey people, fellow devolopers... I want to start making my own BYOND game.. We all know they're great! But.. I have this big problem. I need help!! Big Time.. I have no clue on what I'm supposed to do or anything.. so if you could? Could somebody that knows how to code, help me? Please? Thank you for your time.. And if you decide to help me Thank you even more.

[email protected]
Look over
<---------- there
See the Tutorials link? Click it.
The DM Guide is a good read, too.
Many Many people willing to learn the language ask this question and we always answer: Look at the walk through tutorials to get started.
In response to Jon88
Okay.. well I made my first game thanks to those tutorials over there and it's kinda crappy but it's only my first game.. but for some reason now.. My PC can't die.. but my NPC's can.. Can anyone help me with this?

This is ChibiGoku04 by the way, I'm at my friend's house...
In response to BebiVegeta13
We might be able to, but not by telepathy. =P You need to show us the relevant code. By relevant, I mean: "Not all of it, but enough so we can figure out the problem." Usually one proc or two procs or more is good, depending on the problem.
In response to Crispy
if(src.PL <= 0)
world << "[src] has died!"
src.loc = locate(3,2,1)
src.PL = Max_PL

There's my PCDeath() proc...

if(src.type == /mob/PC)
if(src.PL <= 0)

and that's my other Death() proc...

I'll probably need to show more so that someone can help me so if you do need more just let me know and I'll put it here.. Thanks alot people.