I try to run my game and this comes up and my login menu dosnt come up.
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'players\k\Zeigue.sav'.
proc name: base PlayerSavefile (/client/proc/base_PlayerSavefile)
source file: implementation.dm,268
usr: null
src: Krew (/client)
call stack:
Zeigue(/client): base PlayerSavefile()
Zeigue (/client): base CharacterNames()
Zeigue(/client): base ChooseCharacter()
Zeigue (/client): base ChooseCharacter()
Zeigue (/client): New()
Zeigue (/client): New()
Zeigue (/client): New()
runtime error: Cannot modify null.cd.
proc name: base CharacterNames (/client/proc/base_CharacterNames)
source file: implementation.dm,317
usr: null
src: Zeigue (/client)
call stack:
Zeigue(/client): base CharacterNames()
Zeigue (/client): base ChooseCharacter()
Zeigue (/client): base ChooseCharacter()
Zeigue(/client): New()
Zeigue(/client): New()
Zeigue (/client): New()
ChoosingCharacter is hosting.
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'players\k\Zeigue.sav'.
proc name: base PlayerSavefile (/client/proc/base_PlayerSavefile)
source file: implementation.dm,268
usr: ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter)
src: Zeigue (/client)
call stack:
Zeigue(/client): base PlayerSavefile()
Zeigue(/client): base CharacterNames()
ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter): ChooseCharacter()
ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter): Login()
runtime error: Cannot modify null.cd.
proc name: base CharacterNames (/client/proc/base_CharacterNames)
source file: implementation.dm,317
usr: ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter)
src: Zeigue (/client)
call stack:
Zeigue (/client): base CharacterNames()
ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter): ChooseCharacter()
ChoosingCharacter (/mob/BaseCamp/ChoosingCharacter): Login()
You is hosting.
Connection closed.
World shutdown on: Sun Jan 11 16:30:52 2004
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'Forum\Forum.sav'.
proc name: save forum (/proc/save_forum)
source file: Forum Lib.dm,453
usr: null
src: null
call stack:
save forum()
: Del()
: Del()
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'PO.sav'.
proc name: SavePO (/proc/SavePO)
source file: Mail V2.0.dm,68
usr: null
src: null
call stack:
: Del()
: Del()
: Del()
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'cr_full.ban'.
proc name: Del (/world/Del)
source file: fullban.dm,170
usr: null
call stack:
: Del()
: Del()
: Del()
: Del()
![]() Jan 11 2004, 11:33 am
Garthor wrote:
runtime error: ultrasafe mode violation: tried to access 'players\k\Zeigue.sav'. This may not be how he's hosting it, since he doesn't have to be hosting to hit this problem. He's probably going into ultrasafe mode because the .dmb is not named the same as the directory name. |
Just read that. Read it again. Run a game that works, and press the host button. Look at the options that are there. Look at the descriptions for the options. Then, read the error again.