This mainly has to do with Deadron's Character handling library. I connect to my game and choose my character then.. nothing happens.

I recall the same thing used to happen to me fairly often when I was playing Dragon Warrior Quest, and one of the Game Masters there said that it was "because someone went idle while chosing their character."

Is this the likely cause of the game crashing, or is there some other problem? I can fix it either way, it'd just be nice to know where to look.

make sure you have the


something like that so it tells the game where to start you at...
In response to Majinveku
It's Login(), not login(). Capitalisation matters.

The problem is that the player isn't being placed on the map, for whatever reason. The most common cause of a black screen is that the player's mob is not on the map (i.e. their loc is equal to null).
In response to Crispy
While I am thankfull for the advice, this doesn't tell me anything I don't already know. I'm aware that the character isn't being put on the map I'm not sure, however, what exactly is the cause of the character not being put on the map.

Perhaps I phrased the original question wrong.

Is there a known bug with the Deadron Character Handling library where the game can be crashed by a person logging out while choosing their character?

That's all I need to know. If the bug lies there, I can fix it.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
It's Login(), not login(). Capitalisation matters.

The problem is that the player isn't being placed on the map, for whatever reason. The most common cause of a black screen is that the player's mob is not on the map (i.e. their loc is equal to null).

Yes I know capitalisation matters... sorry, forgot.
In response to Gortog
Not that I'm aware of. However, if you're using Move() rather than setting loc directly, then the Move() might fail due to a blockage (e.g. another player at the spawn point), resulting in the player not starting on the map.

I'm really just grasping at straws here. Seeing some of your code would probably help.
In response to Crispy
That's definately not it. I usually use a .loc alteration instead of move simply because .loc is far more reliable, and player's locations upon loading is one of the reasons I began doing that months ago.

Eh, either way the problem seems not to have repeated itself. Could have simply been an oddity on the host's end of things, if not I'll isolate and fix the bug, eventually.

Thanks anyway people.