Is there a proc that will let me make a specific mob walk to some specific co-ordinates. For example, say i have a guard in a game, and when created, stores its x, y, and z variables in _x, _y, and _z respectifully. Now, the guard goes off and attacks some monsters. So what i am asking, is there a way to make the guard walk back to his position without using objects, or do i have to use them, then use the build in walk/step procs to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Simplest way I can think of doing this is using the walk_to()(i think this is the correct one, i havent used DM much lately) proc, and instead of doing some fancy pathfinding just make the guard warp back to his position after like 10 or 15 seconds if hes not already there(incase of an obstacle).
In response to Jotdaniel
I'd rather leave that as a last resort, as i want the illusion of the guard walking back to his post, instead of him just magically appearing where he was stationed.
In response to Lazyboy
Just hoping someone can help me with this, if there is no response, then i guess i jusy have to use objects.