Does any know if you can take an animated gif file and use it in a game? If you can how would you make it work and load/show the file at a certain time mainly activated by a proc then it will dissapear after the animation finishes?
You can't use .gif files. You'll have to convert them to .dmi, .bmp, or .png format.
In response to Sarkhan
That sucks. BMP and PNG don't support animation and dmi files are to small and only have animations as large as 32 x 32.
Codesterz wrote:
Does any know if you can take an animated gif file and use it in a game? If you can how would you make it work and load/show the file at a certain time mainly activated by a proc then it will dissapear after the animation finishes?

You can use .gif files for the browser by sending them with browse_rsc(). But that's it.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:

You can use .gif files for the browser by sending them with browse_rsc(). But that's it.

another good reason to push for more browser-based games! :)