In a game I intend on making, the battle system invokes the use of 'cards'. What I would really like to do, is move the cards to the HUD, at the moment is 5 cards are drawn, but are simply put into the contents of the player. I know how to create a HUD, and I already use it to a fair extent, however, I'm not sure how to handle the organization of the cards.

I'm not sure how I could locate them properly however. The plan is to have the cards organised at the bottom of the screen, the only idea I can think of would end up with the cards piling on top of each other.

I can handle selection, but when a card is selected and deleted, I'm not sure how I could shift the cards properly.
xxxxx (The middle card is selected, and thus is deleted leaving a gap)
xx xx (The last 2 cards would ideally shift down to fill the gap)

So basically, I need help with moving the cards to the HUD, properly organised on the bottom of the view. Then, I need help in shifting the cards after one has been selected.

I appreciate any help.
cardvar.len -= 1?
I'd have a proc that updates your cards on your HUD. Basically, it would remove all card objects from your HUD at the beginning, then, with a for loop, go back through and place the cards back into the HUD. It all happens in the same tick, more or less, unless you're using sleep() for whatever reason, so there isn't any crazy flashing going on. I use a system like this for my quick-spells. The proc is only called when a player prepares a new spell, or forgets one.