I cant get the experience gauge in the stat panel to go up and my character doesn't level either. here is my code:

//This is a test world started by Tabu34 on 3/15/04 and yet to be completed...
var/exp=0 // experience (total)
var/expNeeded= 15 // experience for the next level
var/maxHP= 20
var/expgained= 3
DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
world << "[src] was killed by [usr]!"
world << "[usr] gains [expgained] experience!"
exp = exp + 3 //adds exp points
del(src) //delete whatever just died
if (HP <=15)
icon = 'bugcut.dmi'
icon = 'bug.dmi'
src << "Welcome to level [level]."
expNeeded*= 2
icon = 'person.dmi' //makes it so all mobs will be created with the person icon
HP = 30 //declares a new variable called HP, with a value of 30
wealth = 0 //total money
UHP = 40 //new var Hp for user
maxHp = 30 //max hp for bug
maxUHP = 40 //max hp for user
var/obj/gold/G = new(loc) //create a new obj from the gold blueprint
G.amount = rand(1,100) //set its amount variable randomly
..() //call the parent
icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, make their icon's state
..() //the gender of their key. Then call the parent!
world << "[usr] had logged into Testworld!"
icon = 'bug.dmi'
src << "Bug attacks [src]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "Bug attacks [src]!" //send this message to everybody else
var/damagebug = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new variable
world << "[damagebug] damage!" //tell the damage to the world
UHP -= damagebug //take away the damage from M
attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //send this message to everybody else
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new variable
usr << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the world
M.HP -= damage //take away the damage from M
M.InjuredCheck() //check for injuries w/ proc
M.DeathCheck() //check for death with a proc
say(msg as text) //What the usr says is passed into "msg" as text
world << "[usr]: [msg]" //The world sees chatroom-like output

gold //define a "gold" prototype, which is a kind of obj
icon = 'gold.dmi' //set the default icon
amount //declare a new variable called "amount"
get() //obj/gold/verb/get()
set src in view(1) //src must be close
usr << "You pick up [amount] gold."
usr.wealth += amount //add to usr.wealth
del(src) //delete the gold
icon = 'tree.dmi'
density = 1
grass //defines a "grass" prototype, which is a kind of turf...
icon = 'grass.dmi' //and has an icon named 'grass.dmi'. In single quotes!
world //we set one of our world's characteristics:
turf = /turf/grass //its default turf is the grass turf.
mob/Stat() //Call the Stat proc that updates the stat window every Tenth of a second...
stat("Stats:",src.desc) //Place in the stat panel, the word Stats:, and the srcs description.
stat(" HP: ","[UHP]/[maxUHP]" ) //It makes it easier to read if you put a bunch of spaces like that.
stat(" Gold: ","[wealth]")
stat(" Experience: ","[exp]/[expNeeded]")
stat(" Level: ","[level]")

i also still cant get the bug to attack me, but that is a secondary problem. Any help that I CAN UNDERSTAND *cough*Lummox JR*cough*. :P
Alright, there are so many errors, I couldn't even bare to read the whole code. Look over the code again. You also used usr in a proc.

In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
Errors? The only errors I see when compiling the code are the icons being missing. Maybe you need to look over the code again, neh?
In response to Tiko
the code has no errors when i compialed, but it doesn't function properly, the usr in the proc works completely fine thank you, and i have icons for everything except i didn't bother to give them to you. You will just have to believe me when i say that i have all of the icons!
In response to Tiko
Tiko wrote:
Errors? The only errors I see when compiling the code are the icons being missing. Maybe you need to look over the code again, neh?

I didn't mean when you compile. I meant how each proc is called.

Look at this for example:

DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
world << "[src] was killed by [usr]!"
world << "[usr] gains [expgained] experience!"
exp = exp + 3 //adds exp points
del(src) //delete whatever just died

exp += exp +3? Wouldn't exp+=3 do? YES!


What level up? M.Levelup or src.Levelup()?

And the use of usr in proc is a no no. And del(src). Deletes the player after they die(kicks them out of the game). If you want it to happen to only an NPC, which you should add:

He shouldn't be deleting a REAL player, only an NPC.

YOU should look over the code, and see the bugs.

The leveling problem comes from DeathCheck(). You're checking and/or leveling up the mob that's about to die. To do this for the attacker you'll first have to be able to access him from the DeathCheck proc(usr will not work) so you'll have to send it as an argument something like this:

mob/verb/Attack(mob/M in oview(1))
//<neat attacking stuff here>
M.DeathCheck(src) //Here I'm sending src(which would be the mob who used the verb)

mob/proc/DeathCheck(mob/attacker) //This will accept the mob and name him attacker for
//simplicity, you could name him George if you want to though.
src<<"You have died, congratulations."
attacker<<"You killed [src], you *******!"

This is just an example for you to see how arguments work, now you should be able to avoid putting usr in procs. :)
In response to Tabu34
Tabu34 wrote:
the usr in the proc works completely fine thank you

No it doesn't. Might I suggest this article by Lummox JR. It will help you understand why most people say not to put usr in procs. :)

p.s. There are a lot more articles like it at BYONDscape that you should read if you have the time. They'll help out a lot later on down the road. :)
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
Thanks for the help but... the LevelUp() in:

is referring to the LevelUp proc i have defined elsewhere in the coding. I also have problems with the if (!M.client) del(src) part of your post. M.client isn't defined or so the computer says! You are right on the exp += 3. And thanks on the del proc, because im not killing anthing but the bug quite yet, i didn't think of it! I still haven't solved my problem, however. My 3 problems are (1) The user doesn't gain experience and (2) i dont know how to make the bugs attack the player and finally (3) I dont know how to make the bugs move. Ive tried the wander() proc or whatever it is but it doesn't work. Check my original post for the code because im going to update it now.
In response to Tabu34
Tabu34 wrote:
Thanks for the help but... the LevelUp() in:

is referring to the LevelUp proc i have defined elsewhere in the coding. I also have problems with the if (!M.client) del(src) part of your post. M.client isn't defined or so the computer says! You are right on the exp += 3. And thanks on the del proc, because im not killing anthing but the bug quite yet, i didn't think of it! I still haven't solved my problem, however. My 3 problems are (1) The user doesn't gain experience and (2) i dont know how to make the bugs attack the player and finally (3) I dont know how to make the bugs move. Ive tried the wander() proc or whatever it is but it doesn't work. Check my original post for the code because im going to update it now.

Alright did you see my Battle SYSTEM?

If not,

It includes NPC Following & Attacking, Experience Gaining, Leveling, and more!

In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
i have seen your battle system, but i tested it and the exp didn't go up at all. I took it and immediately compiled it and everything ran except the exp didn't go up in the stat panel, which is my problem!Also, i dont want the bugs to focus on me i want them to wander randomly. As for the attacking, i understand what to do, but i dont know how to put it into my coding.
In response to Tabu34
Tabu34 wrote:
i have seen your battle system, but i tested it and the exp didn't go up at all. I took it and immediately compiled it and everything ran except the exp didn't go up in the stat panel, which is my problem!Also, i dont want the bugs to focus on me i want them to wander randomly. As for the attacking, i understand what to do, but i dont know how to put it into my coding.

Woops. A little bug. Well, check it out now, you do gain experience. Thanks for pointing that out!

Well first, make the vars for strength & defense
strength = 3//change to the amount you want the player to have
defense = 2//same here
icon = 'bug.dmi'
strength = 5
defense = 3

. = ..()
var/Found = FALSE
for(Player in oview(5,src))
Found = TRUE
if(Found != TRUE)

if(istype(M,/mob/character))//customiz that to fit your needs
var/damage = rand(1,strength)
M.hp -= damage
M <<"You are being attacked by []!"
src.exp += rand(5,10)

That's how you fit it in in my system. So, you should use the whole system, and that is how you fit it in with the bug.

In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
it almost all worked...
here is my revised code:

//This is a test world started by Tabu34 on 3/15/04 and yet to be completed...
var/exp=0 // experience (total)
var/expNeeded= 15 // experience for the next level
var/maxHP= 20
var/expgained= 3
DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
world << "[src] was killed by Tabu34!"
world << "Tabu34 gains [expgained] experience!"
exp+= 3 //adds exp points
del(src) //delete whatever just died
if (HP <=15)
icon = 'bugcut.dmi'
icon = 'bug.dmi'
src << "Welcome to level [level]."
expNeeded*= 2
icon = 'person.dmi' //makes it so all mobs will be created with the person icon
name = "player"
HP = 30 //declares a new variable called HP, with a value of 30
wealth = 0 //total money
UHP = 40 //new var Hp for user
maxHp = 30 //max hp for bug
maxUHP = 40 //max hp for user
strength = 3//change to the amount you want the player to have
defense = 2//same here
var/obj/gold/G = new(loc) //create a new obj from the gold blueprint
G.amount = rand(1,100) //set its amount variable randomly
..() //call the parent
icon_state = gender //when a player logs in, make their icon's state
..() //the gender of their key. Then call the parent!
world << "[usr] had logged into Testworld!"

icon = 'bug.dmi'
strength = 5
defense = 3

. = ..()
var/Found = FALSE
for(Player in oview(5,src))
Found = TRUE
if(Found != TRUE)

var/damage = rand(1,strength)
UHP -= damage
U <<"You are being attacked by []!"
src.exp += rand(5,10)

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "[usr] attacks [M]!" //send this message to everybody else
var/damage = rand(1,10) //assign a random # to a new variable
usr << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the world
M.HP -= damage //take away the damage from M
M.InjuredCheck() //check for injuries w/ proc
M.DeathCheck() //check for death with a proc
say(msg as text) //What the usr says is passed into "msg" as text
world << "[usr]: [msg]" //The world sees chatroom-like output

gold //define a "gold" prototype, which is a kind of obj
icon = 'gold.dmi' //set the default icon
amount //declare a new variable called "amount"
get() //obj/gold/verb/get()
set src in view(1) //src must be close
usr << "You pick up [amount] gold."
usr.wealth += amount //add to usr.wealth
del(src) //delete the gold
icon = 'tree.dmi'
density = 1
grass //defines a "grass" prototype, which is a kind of turf...
icon = 'grass.dmi' //and has an icon named 'grass.dmi'. In single quotes!
world //we set one of our world's characteristics:
turf = /turf/grass //its default turf is the grass turf.
mob/Stat() //Call the Stat proc that updates the stat window every Tenth of a second...
stat("Stats:",src.desc) //Place in the stat panel, the word Stats:, and the srcs description.
stat(" HP: ","[UHP]/[maxUHP]" ) //It makes it easier to read if you put a bunch of spaces like that.
stat(" Gold: ","[wealth]")
stat(" Experience: ","[exp]/[expNeeded]")
stat(" Level: ","[level]")

it gives me these errors: var ///line 17 type: Player ///line 63 :duplicate definition ///line 75 :previous definition ///line 84

please help im sooo close!!!
In response to Tabu34
You're not close, read my first response again.

                DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
world << "[src] was killed by Tabu34!"
world << "Tabu34 gains [expgained] experience!"
exp+= 3 //adds exp points
del(src) //delete whatever just died

Who is M? "if(!M.client)"
You're about to delete src which means you'll want to check if src is a client. "if(!src.client)" will work, but so will "if(!client)". That's because src is the default, which brings me to the next point. "if(exp>=expNeeded)" is checking if the src needs to gain a level, but the src is the person about to die. You'll have to send the attacker into DeathCheck() as an argument, I explained how to do this in my first response.
In response to Jnco904
Jnco904 wrote:
You're not close, read my first response again.

>                 DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
> if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
> world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
> world << "[src] was killed by Tabu34!"
> world << "Tabu34 gains [expgained] experience!"
> exp+= 3 //adds exp points
> if(exp>=expNeeded)
> LevelUp()
> if(!M.client)
> del(src) //delete whatever just died

Who is M? "if(!M.client)"
You're about to delete src which means you'll want to check if src is a client. "if(!src.client)" will work, but so will "if(!client)". That's because src is the default, which brings me to the next point. "if(exp>=expNeeded)" is checking if the src needs to gain a level, but the src is the person about to die. You'll have to send the attacker into DeathCheck() as an argument, I explained how to do this in my first response.

the player is the only one that can level up, so i thought that i wouldn't need to tell who leveled up, But the if(exp>=expneeded) part adds to the variable exp, and the only exp is the player's.Ive decided to to make another death check for the bug's attack so i dont have to change the existing one, but how do i make the player respawn at the beginning of the map? [edit] i also now have another problem. My bugs move, but all they do is go strait down, and they wont attack me!once they stop they are all piled up, and wont move!
Tabu34 wrote:
I cant get the experience gauge in the stat panel to go up and my character doesn't level either. here is my code:
DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
world << "[src] was killed by [usr]!"
world << "[usr] gains [expgained] experience!"
exp = exp + 3 //adds exp points

No put usr in proc. Ungh.

icon = 'bug.dmi'
src << "Bug attacks [src]!" //send this message to the usr
oview() << "Bug attacks [src]!" //send this message to everybody else

The default point of reference for oview() is usr; you need to change it to src.

M.DeathCheck() //check for death with a proc

DeathCheck() needs to know who the attacker is, because relying on usr is wrong.

Lummox JR
In response to Tiko
Tiko wrote:
Errors? The only errors I see when compiling the code are the icons being missing. Maybe you need to look over the code again, neh?

An error is anything that doesn't function as it should in a program. Compile-time errors are just a small subset of that. In general there are three types of errors:

  • Compile-time
  • Runtime
  • Logic

    Logic errors cover a lot of ground.

    Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
if you check my post from 3/18/04, its the fifth up the line, it has my revised code, and that is fixed!