This has always been the way I've animated, embarrassing at first, it's EXTREMELY helpful. It's similar to improving your writing and flow by reading aloud what you've written.
River City Ransom: Underground Artist Bannon wrote:
"Hey, this is Bannon. I do art and other things. I get asked how I do animation a lot. At least two or three times a year. And usually by my own mother, who is still trying to figure out how to upload a photo onto Bookface. I put up a video before showing the process of making a move for one of the characters of RCRU and slightly commented on the video of me executing some of the sweetest moves ever caught on and digital media. With this video, I went into a little more detail of my "motion capture" method. I use the quotes (aka finger pull-ups) because it's not really motion capture as much as it is reference material for me. I find that the human body moves in ways we don't really notice until we capture it on film. Look at any of those twisted baseball pitcher photos online, and you'll see what I mean. None of this seems to make sense and you wouldn't even think about these as frames of animation that need to be made. They don't make sense on their own. It seems almost impossible that a human body could even do this. But there it is, captured on film in the middle of the pitcher's projectile special move.
When people think of a punch, they might think it's the arm and upper body doing all the work. Which is true if you are a Rock em' Sock em' robot, but with the human body, the whole body works in conjunction to propel the fist forwards with enough impact to turn enemies into coins. I've seen some animations where the character kicks but the hands stay absolutely frozen. This is not a dynamic way of showing motion. In real life, the whole body twists from the hip and the hands help with the swinging or thrusting of the leg. So, I figured this video would help people looking into doing animation and also to see an inside process of how I help myself make animation. I recommend filming yourself or a friend and really examine the video step by step. Don't just look at the hands during a punch, watch what happens to the feet also. So with that said, enjoy the video. Use the video for your own reference. Make fun of my awesome moves. Blow up a single frame of the video, mount it on your wall and use it for Airsoft practice. Have at it."