im just starting and im starting my first game.

the game has a start up menu at the biggining and in it there the the option to go to would one

now i made a code that when the user click on World One they get sent to 'destenation'

Here is the code:

turf // turf
PlayNow // the name of the turf
icon = 'world1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1 // if 1, you can't walk through it
Click() // if you click it...
var/dest = locate(src.destination)
if (dest) // if no destination set in the map editor, don't do anything
. = ..()

it says proc definition not allowed inside another proc

i dont know what to do?

can anyone help, Also can you tell me if this code is correct?
Well, first, I don't know why you have Entered(mob/m) in Click(). I don't know what you're trying to do, and it's not supposed to be there.

That aside, you almost have it, but not quite. What you're looking for is the tag variable. Basically, it's set to a text string, and you can use locate() to find it again by that text string. So, isntead of using locate(src.destination), you can use locate("World1"), and then, on the map editor, right click on a turf, select edit properties, and change the tag variable to "World1".

Also, .=..() is pointless in Click().
In response to Garthor
Ok i still have a problem.

so you are saying that my code is wrong and i should use this code:
turf // turf
World1 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1 // if 1, you can't walk through it
Click() // if you click it...

i did put that code and when i run the game and click on World One it wont take me to where i put the tag.

My whole code:

mob // mob or mobile
Login() // login proc
src.loc = locate(6,6,1) //locates the person to the title screen area...
src << "Welcome to []!"

name = "Ebay" // the world name
version = 1 // the world version
hub = "UnknownPerson.TitlePageDemo" // where it is on the hub
view = 6 // how many tiles you want to see. Note that you will have to change the size of the title screen if you change this. You will also have to locate in a different place...
turf = /turf/Grass // the default turf
mob = /mob/Player // the default mob or player

client/New() // when they log in...
world << "[src] has joined!" // alert the world
..() // does the default commands
client/Del() // when they log out...
world << "[src] has left!" // alert the world
..() // does the default commands

turf // turf
World1 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1 // if 1, you can't walk through it
Click() // if you click it...

turf // turf
Ebay // the name of the turf
icon = 'ebaysign.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
lineup // the name of the turf

icon = 'lineup.bmp' // the icon of the turf
turf // turf
lineright // the name of the turf
icon = 'lineright.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
world1 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
world2 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world2.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
world3 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world3.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
black // the name of the turf
icon = 'black.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1
turf // turf
black1 // the name of the turf
icon = 'black1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1

icon = 'exit.bmp'
density = 1
switch(alert("Are you sure you want to exit []?","Exit?","Yes","No")) // alert them in a box if they want to really leave
if("Yes") // if they want to...
usr << "Suit yourself!" // alert them "suite yourself!"
del(usr) // logs them off
else // else (that means if they click no or anything else)
usr << "Thanks for staying" // thank them for staying
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "ggggg"
layer = 5 // makes it at the top layer because you don't want to see yourself at the title...
density = 1 // can't walk through it
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "white"
layer = 5
density = 1
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "yellow"
layer = 5
density = 1
icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "grass"

icon = 'Player.dmi'

In response to Blades

Use usr.loc = locate("World1")
In response to Garthor
it says undifined proc
In response to Blades
he wrote lovate he meant locate probably if u wrote lovate...its wrong try fixing it...
In response to N1ghtW1ng
yup it worked thanks a lot