i am making a game and i want to have the affect where objs stick to the map I found a demo that helps you do thats by dontom. {You can finde the demo at )

so i copyed it and I did exacly what he did and the obj's stuck to the map and you would have your little menu at the bottem.

My game has a start up screen so when i put the code in, the small menu at the bottem would still be there and i dont want the menu at the start up screen.

I dont know how to make it that it is not on the start up screen but on the actual game map. How would i do such a thing.

What i want to do (if you didnt understand)

my start up screen
| |
| |
| World one |
| World two |
| World Three |
| Exit |

I want to make it that when you click on world one you get send to a map and in that map you have the small menu at the bottom.

i tryed doing this:

turf // turf
World1 // the name of the turf
icon = 'world1.bmp' // the icon of the turf
density = 1 // if 1, you can't walk through it
Click() // if you click it...
usr.loc = locate("World1")
usr.icon = 'Player.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "player"
parent_type = /obj

icon = 'white.dmi'
layer = TURF_LAYER

icon = 'border.dmi'
layer = FLY_LAYER+1
icon = 'home.dmi'
usr.icon = 'Player.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "invis"
usr.loc = locate("start")

but i would get the error

loading Title Page Demo.dme proc definition not allowed inside another proc

Title Page Demo.dmb - 20 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

Can anyone help me and tell me how a thing like this is possibal. I want to make it like Dragon Ball Zeta's game where the menu is not at the start up screen.

its basically saying dont define Click() in the definition of Click()
In response to N1ghtW1ng

then what should I do. Is there another way
In response to Blades
I think your problem is with indentation. screen_objs and everything under it is indented when it should not be.