Apr 9 2004, 1:37 pm
ALright...Im trying to make a list of super forms for a ...Yes, Dont hurt me... Dragon Ball Z game. I have my level up code. I need to know how to make it so it adds the superform to a list. Then that list is able to be acessed by a transform verb. Then after you have transformed, click a revert verbthat will put u back to your original icon. I know how to make the verbs but for everything else i need help. If you need my code in any part, tell me.
In response to Jerico2day
umm...I tried that but can't figure out how to impliment it!!
here is my levelup proc currently: LevelUp(mob/M) as of now, when you hit that level, you automatically transform. I cant figure out how to modify this without redoing the whole thing. |
In response to Tabu34
Did you actually expect something else to happen?
superforms = list()
then to use it just do...
superforms += newTechnique
superforms -= lostTechnique
where lostTechnique and newTechnique are variables or strings