"It is my oppinion that we should be putting the effort into building antimatter factories so that we can produce a lot more of the stuff."

And what if an error occured? the resulting explosion would be absolutely devastating.

Nothing comes through black holes, by definition.

Oh really? If things can go within black holes, why can't things come out of them?

Think outside the box. There's thousands of dimensions out there to be explored. ;)
"It is my oppinion that we should be putting the effort into building antimatter factories so that we can produce a lot more of the stuff."

1. Basically inviting terrorist.

2. That'd work if it was in a controlled area and was top secret to the public or had amazing security which kills all in sight. The slightest
fuck up would be a huge fuck up.
Things COULD happen in a black hole. Not only did Stephen Hawking himself say it was possible, but the black hole's great mass warps the fabric of space-time so much, it's BOUND to warp you to a distant dimension or universe or something (Assuming one survives it!)

Oi, I was being serious about the antimatter thing.
Or like dbz, where you gain so much pl that you can resist the black hole's pull?

I mean, all a black hole is, is gravity.
It's true. The laws of physics & the effect of black holes don't effect you once you're SSJ-57 or higher.
"Oh really? If things can go within black holes, why can't things come out of them?"

Things that go in black holes get compressed reallllllllllly small. It's not like the black hole runs out of room.
Maybe I should make a post for the discussion of antimatter, as that seems to be generating more chatter than the topic.

Soldbadguy500 wrote:
And what if an error occured? the resulting explosion would be absolutely devastating.

Stipo J wrote:
1. Basically inviting terrorist.
2. That'd work if it was in a controlled area and was top secret to the public or had amazing security which kills all in sight. The slightest
fuck up would be a huge fuck up.

Not really, as there isn't much threat involved with particle accelerators. They don't work like nuclear reactors where you have explosive material and basically a controlled bomb going off a little at a time.

With particle accelerators you are making something akin to an explosion, and you are doing that a lot of times, but they are so insignificant in size that they don't really affect anything, especially nothing not in the direct vicinity.

And they cannot have uncontrollable, runaway chain reactions like nuclear power plants. As soon as you pull the plug on a particle accelerator, everything starts winding down.

Even if terrorists sabatoged the place or if some big accident occured, it would have insignificant effect.

The only place anything major could happen would be in the containment field for the antimatter after it is already created, and even then you don't have to keep all the antimatter in the same place. You could ship it out very regularly so that you never build up enough in one location to have any major impact.

You act as if this is a nuclear reactor or a bomb or something of that nature, but it's nothing of the sort. The only way something could go wrong is if you continued to stockpile everything you just made all in the same place and hoarded a lot of it up together, so you just don't do that and you're fine.
Gits, you're a complete idiot. Please, please, please, please learn some physics before spouting off. A black hole is, by definition, a region of space from which nothing can escape. It has an escape velocity greater then the speed of light. You can't get out.

Hawking radiation doesn't count, by the way.

Anyway, antimatter isn't much of a problem in the terrorist sense. It can't be transported without massive precautions, and that's not the sort of thing a hit and run operation could pull off. At worst, you get a large explosion at the site. Nothing more.

Keep in mind that matter-antimatter reactions are clean, too. You don't end up with masses of radiation like from a nuke.
I'm a complete idiot. Please, sir. Don't be rude.

Definition is nothing. You can never go by what our scientists tell you. Don't trust anyone. ;)

Anything is possible. I will continue to look at the White Holes and the Dark Holes as PARADISE. They're there for a reason. Some of them don't lead to paradise. That's the problem. You really don't know UNTIL you go through a dark hole or a white hole. And I'll bet a million that you haven't so you're just being THE idiot.

We're only basing these on opinions, so no one is correct. You can't base it on the definition, because you can't trust the government.

What, Jp? It's the truth, but people like you don't want to look at the cold-hard facts. Anything is possible.

Believe what SHOULD be believed. Believe in your own thoughts, not others.

And if I believe Dark Holes and White Holes lead to Paradise then so be it! Let you think I am crazy. Perhaps I am, but that will not affect on how I look at the world, the dimensions, and the whole entire galaxy.
Yeah, Jp. Anything COULD happen. After all, once you're in a black hole, the laws of mathematics no longer apply.

I mean, jesus. A black hole is defined as a region of space from which nothing can escape. You know what that means? It means that something from which stuff can escape is not a black hole. For Eris' sake, is this so difficult to understand?

If, say, a novellete is defined as being a book shorter then a hundred pages, then something with more then a hundred pages is not a novellete. There is no argument. Do you not understand this?

Furthermore, you CAN go by what scientists say if you can go by anything. Don't trust anyone is one of the most stupid slogans ever, because you've obviously fallen hook, line and sinker for all the guff spouted by inane conspiracy theorists and 'new age' idiots. I bet you think man never landed on the moon, too.

Not everything is possible. You cannot go faster then light, and that is that. Despite repeated attempts, nobody has ever managed to demonstrate that rule to be false. Seriously, where do you think scientists get this stuff from? It's not just pulled out of their ass, it comes from repeated experiments and mathematical work.

Further furthermore, an opinion can be wrong, and yours is.

Further further furthermore, the definition of a black hole is not one that is promulgated by any government. Where did you get zany conspiracies into this?

Further further further furthermore, it is people like YOU that don't want to look at the cold hard facts, which are that we live in reality. Hello, this is real life speaking?

In short, get off the pot.

Finally, Vex, I don't know who told you that maths doesn't apply inside a black hole, but they're idiots. There is nothing about extreme space-time curvature that suddenly makes 2+2=5.
You can't trust the definition of a word. Everyone has their own definitions of certain words. That also depends on their opinion. ;) I didn't bother reading the whole thing because I saw the beginning. It tells me the topic of the whole thing. :)
Jp, I think Vex was being sarcastic. Poking fun at the fact that everything shows you can't possible leave a black hole. Which is why he is saying the laws of mathematics no longer apply.
Of course you can trust the definition of a word when it's a scientific definition. If someone else has a different definition, it is WRONG. I mean, otherwise you start arguing about the definition of "point charge" or "2" or something and it just gets stupid. I can claim that you can't trust the definition of 2=3-1 'till the cows come home, doesn't make it the least bit rational.
Mmm. Talking to you is pointless. I withdraw.
Well according to The Black Hole (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Hole) it's a gateway to Heaven/Hell. But more importantly, who can forget Parliament/George Clinton/Funkadelic's masterpiece: "Theme from the Black Hole"?

'Said my name is the One
Some people call me the Funk
Here's a toast to the boogie!
Said my name is the One
Some people call me the Funk, oh!
I'll toast to that!

And when I find a vacant booty
I move right in on the rump, ooh!

I'm like a camel!
Humpin' to please!
I'm up to my hump in funk, yeah
Here's a toast to the boogie!

Damn you Starchild! *shakes fist* >:o
Jp wrote:
a bunch of stuff i think would be disrespectfull to make people read again

but basicly jp your a bit off
a black hole isnt a "region in space" it is an object in space its a star that has gone supernova and collapsed in on itself becuase there was so much matter that it pulled the outer ring inwards increasing the density causeing the outter parts to be collapsed inward yet again.

a black hole is not that big black spot thats its intense gravitational feild called the point of no return where absolutly nothing will return untill the blackhole dies (which will happen roughly about the same time the universe does becuase all black holes will eventually consume the universe and become one giant black hole(this isnt just one theory it is the theory(unless your going with religion)))

things do escape from a black hole the people who say nothing does simply dont want to go into the whole huge argument of telling you what does but basicly black holes decay particle by particle (and by particles i mean subatomic particles)

it has been proven impossible for anything to travel faster then light

jp on that note about conspiracy terrorists what do you mean by that becuase there are conspiracys all around the world in governments in communist nations they change textbooks from the facts to things they want the people to believe how do you know that our government dosent do the same? i bet youll say they dont but wouldnt someone in one of those nations say the same thing?

although you seem to know alot on this subject you dont know enough to say that math doesnt fall apart inside of a black hole. one becuase nothing could even do math inside of a black hole. two becuase it appears alot of things do fall apart inside of black holes it stops time inside of the point of no return and slows time outside of it. how do you even know that the laws of physics dont completly stop inside of it?

if someone knows more on the subject or i got something wrong please say so.

P.S. gits i think you mean black hole not dark hole and white holes havent been proven to even exist they are only theoretical and black holes arent like a box their more like a vacum that gets stronger the more that is sucked up
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