Ok heres what i need to know ...
1 . How to make the vars show up in a lil tab for the player
2 . How to make the monster hp , make them move and attack ..
3 . How to make shops ...
Apr 13 2004, 9:13 am
Well, let's start with the first question.
Displaying things in a statpanel is relatively easy, and is done in mob/Stat(). Heres an example. mob/Stat() That would show a stat panel with a label that says "Your Health", followed by the person's health (assuming they have a health variable.) If you have any more questions concerning Stat stuff, use the reference (F1 in DreamMaker). Next.. The next thing includes making a loop in the monster's New() proc and telling it to do what you want it to do. You may want to search for demos about monsters and stuff. Here's a basic example. mob/monster //lets say you have your basic generic monster mob type Next.. With NPC shopkeepers, simply make an input asking what the user wants to buy, and then make it so the choices make a new object of what they choose in their inventory. Make sure you check if they have enough money and stuff though. Many demos are on the hub, a search for "shopkeeper" would probably get you some results. Here's a brief example mob/shopkeeper Another way to do what I said above would be to store objects in the shopkeeper's inventory, and then move them from the inventory to the player when it is bought. I'll leave you to figure that out. =D Hope this helps you, and scour the demos section for what you need. ~Cheuq |
XxDohxX of DBTPT