ID:17264 HQ_M06128_dark_matter.html

"Astronomers who used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory will host a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EDT Monday, Aug. 21, to announce how dark and normal matter have been forced apart in an extraordinarily energetic collision."

Press conference is Monday.
Dark matter? what is that
Antimatter is cooler than dark matter. No one knows what dark matter is. At least we known anti matter can have nice results if it makes contact with something.
Dark matter is not something I have paid a lot of attention to; but from what I understand of it, dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that is difficult to detect (Because it doesn't produce or reflect electromagnetic radiation well at all, I think it was) yet is believed to exist because of its observable gravitational effects on other matter around it that we can see.

As for antimatter Ryokashi, I agree with you there. That is something that not only can we utilize even now, but we are already creating it. It is my oppinion that we should be putting the effort into building antimatter factories so that we can produce a lot more of the stuff.

Particle accelerators used to create antiprotons at the moment are strictly for research and therefor had lots of corners cut for cost since they do not need to mass produce it. If a proper facility was installed, it could produce a quantity of antimatter many orders of magnitude greater than what all of the current ones combined can output.
On top of what Loduwijk said, it also does 9999 damage on Final Fantasy. :)
Dark Matter is also what fills the empty space in... space, correct?
Dark Matter is also what fills the empty space in... space, correct?

No, empty space isn't filled by anything (except awesome).

To put it simply:
Dark matter is stuff that can't easily be seen simply because it's pretty damn dark. =P
-Actually, Pancakes.
What I want to know is why they call it something boring like "Dark Matter." It joins the already large group of cool science things with stupid names, along with such things as "Black Holes" and "White Dwarves." Wormhole still sounds cool, though.
Jeez, no credit to the guy who tipped you off?!
Dark Matter is actually one of the cooler names. That's as cool as it's going to get.
Sorry Airjoe... yes, Airjoe is the one that notified me.

If it's any consolation, I wasn't going to bother posting at all, but I decided I should, so I just gave a link and copied a quote out of it. If you notice, I didn't even really add any content of my own to the post.
Or, maybie existance really IS all antimatter, and this "anti-matter" is actual matter.
Nah man I'm just kidding!

Vexonater wrote:
Or, maybie existance really IS all antimatter, and this "anti-matter" is actual matter.

I get that you were trying to be funny, and it is, but if I may say something serious about that topic...

People actually have said such things before, and that is actually one of the most-studied fields of antimatter. "Why is the majority of matter in the universe of this type and lacking in the opposite type?" Symmetry is a big question for antimatter, and when I was doing a research paper on antimatter it was almost exclusively what I found, though it wasn't what I wanted.
Dark Matter is what comes through the black holes :o
"Dark Matter is what comes through the black holes :o"

Uh, no...
Nothing comes through black holes, by definition.
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