
Wanted to see if anyone had any tips for animating these vases to break.

I'm not sure how to start.
Just break it into shard, and have it hit the ground?
Well it's going to be for the players to smash. I just don't know if it should sort-of explode or just crumble.
In response to Chwgt
Chwgt wrote:
Well it's going to be for the players to smash. I just don't know if it should sort-of explode or just crumble.

Explode in to shards and then just disappear magically. Or have pieces on the floor.
This would be a perfect opportunity to use animate() to make something like this:

You know, that's a good idea. Animate a bunch of shards. Smart man!
In response to Magicsofa
Magicsofa wrote:

Genius =).
I don't think this works in current DM and I can't test it at the moment, but 'omgsplosion!'
I'm still new to animate(), could anyone explain how this would work?
I think my horribly confusing script? My Pixel Movement library may serve as a test. Other than that, I don't remember. It's been so long. All I can say is read documentation and fiddle with it like I did. But, if my library is in the version that I didn't horribly ruin to make it look nicer, then it should help you.