In response to Majinveku
I'm not sure what your trying to do, but I do have a suggestion for your coding...

When you reduce the usr.PL by deviding it by 4, you should tell it to round off the number it returns so you don't get a train of decimals.

EX: src.PL=round(src.PL/4)

If you are going to use "usr" instead of "src", then use...

EX: usr.PL=round(usr.PL/4)

Wish I could help you on the icon effect, sorry.
In response to Xallius
okay thanks
In response to Majinveku
Hrmm... would making the icon you set it to a movement frame with one catagory (or whaever) and two frames?
Just a suggestion... I dunno if it would actually work or not, I dunno what you're trying to do either.
In response to Sensi
no it wouldnt, thanks anyways.. what I am trying to do is make like say two icons flick a state at once.
In response to Majinveku
You could always combine the two icons manually and then you would only have to worry about flicking one.
In response to Xallius
cant do that, its the whole customization purpose
In response to Majinveku
so noone knows how to help me or is not willing?
In response to Majinveku