I was wondering, I know their is a way. Could anyone help explain to me how to make it so when people login to my game, they cannot use a blank name?
Majinveku wrote:
I was wondering, I know their is a way. Could anyone help explain to me how to make it so when people login to my game, they cannot use a blank name?

Well, whenever they're allowed to change their name, check to make that you can find some letters in it. Or check to make sure that the name isn't "" or " " or whatever you don't want to have.
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Majinveku wrote:
I was wondering, I know their is a way. Could anyone help explain to me how to make it so when people login to my game, they cannot use a blank name?

Well, whenever they're allowed to change their name, check to make that you can find some letters in it. Or check to make sure that the name isn't "" or " " or whatever you don't want to have.

I believe this could work:
