![]() Aug 15 2006, 7:31 pm
Well..I joined all of the other gamers and got WoW, so who has a charecter and on what realm so we can play or add eachother to friends.
Join the Eldre'Thalas server, on the Alliance side and get in contact with Radian(My guildmaster). I quit playing but may come back at a later date. A lot of people in Permanent Legends are really cool and help a lot like Hadoredic, Annastesia, Radian, etc. A lot of the 60's, basically. I would be level 60 by now if it weren't for me stopping playing my 45 Dwarf Hunter. I used to be the same level as Hadoredic and Annastesia, even a bit higher, but started not playing as much and then they took off.
You should go on a PvP server. You should start BGs there as well. Trust me when you get to 60 you can get really good items easy if you PvPed enough =D. Or you can play with me on Elune =D. I have 3 characters. Lvl 52 Warrior(Reghan), Lvl 29 Druid(Odarist), and Lvl 23 Hunter(Reverous).
Are PVP server's pitting everyone against everyone? [Sorry, I'm obivously very new]
No PvP server you go to this battlefield when you queue up and you go against the other side.(Depends who you pick Alliance or Horde). Bewarned, Alliance is the coolest definatly with the Dranei coming out bit it is filled with noobs. There are 3 BattleGrounds. Warsong Gulch(10-19)(20-29)(30-39)(40-49)(50-59)(60)Arathi Basin (10-19)(20-29)(30-39)(40-49)(50-59)(60)Alterac Valley(50-59)(60). That is your opinion Exophus but it is quite fun.
Don't listen to Gamedestroyer. He is probably talking about free servers which are incredibly slow and are editted a lot to make it unfun for people and too easy.
PVP SERVERS are not what Phantasy said. In regular servers you need to toggle PVP mode (also known as being "flagged") and when you toggle it off, it waits 5 minutes and you are no longer able to be attacked by PVP horde/alliance(depending on which side you are on). Early on in the game you will encounter little to no horde, so that will make it easier on PVP. It will make it easier on PVP because on PVP the opposite side can attack you at basically any given moment or be attacked. If you attack a horde that is flagged while not being flagged, you will automatically be flagged and you will become unflagged after 5 minutes, because you didn't manually switch from non-PVP to PVP. That's about all that I can put together at the moment, since I said things out of order somewhat, heh. Any questions just ask me. |
I play on Durotan (US server). I have a lvl 23 dwarf hunter named tvirus. YAR! And uh, I usually play with friends but I guess it'd be cool to see someone from here.
I'm EU - Sylvanas (PvP)