May 30 2004, 7:54 am
How do you teleport from one dmp to another? I've been wondering this for a bit...Help, please?
May 30 2004, 8:02 am
As far as I know, it's impossible. But I've asked myself that many times. I'm curious to know if there's a way.
In response to Rippy
I've seen it be possible, the BetaQuest or whatever it's called has more than one map, and I dont understand the code x_x
I'm not exactly an expert, but it's probably have to be either a proc or a verb. The proc could be like so:
proc Teleport(mob/M) if (Something here about istype mob/M) else if (it isn't mob/M) (null responce- put your own in) usr.loc=(x,x,x) That's probably a really buggy way to do it, but it might work |
In response to StarReaver
Lets just say i want to gfo east from one map to another.First I think it goes where you make 2 turfs going east.The first one is on one map and the second one is on the other map where u want the mob to end up.Like below I think.Thats as far as I understand that part.I am not sure
goeast Enter() usr.loc=locate(1,usr.y,7) goeast2 Enter() usr.loc=locate(150,usr.y,1) |
If there are multiples maps included in the project, they will add new z levels to the first map.
In response to Contract Jack
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG!
First, Enter() is not supposed to be used like that. Enter() is not supposed to affect anything, and simply return 1 if the argument can enter, and 0 if it can't. What you're looking for is Entered(). Second, usr is not to be used in Enter(), Entered(), Move(), Login(), Logout(), or most procs. There's an argument you can use for most of them, or src is more correct. In your case, there is an argument for Entered() you want. Don't forget to use ismob() to check if the argument is a mob instead of an obj. Anyway, for teleporting between maps (or any kind of teleporting) just use tags. I've detailed this many, many, many times. Just search for "tags" on the forum. |
In response to StarReaver
StarReaver wrote:
I've seen it be possible, the BetaQuest or whatever it's called has more than one map, and I dont understand the code x_x Different maps are just movement in the (dramatic) Third DIMENSION... or the z plane. The "zone" transition tiles in BetaQuest are manualy triggered by the player, but you could maked them happen when entering the tile. Doing it manualy save me a headache of preventing monsters or attacks from crossing borders, and players getting stuck in a loop moving back and forth. -Salarn |