For some reason i can't get in my map it says, "Due to complecation errors,the object tree cannot be trusted for map generation.these errors must be corrected before you can edit the map." i deleted all the trees in the files but it stil says the same thing.
This belongs in the Newbie Central.

In response to Ease
Be that as it may atleast answer my question...
Nitewulf12 wrote:
For some reason i can't get in my map it says, "Due to complecation errors,the object tree cannot be trusted for map generation.these errors must be corrected before you can edit the map." i deleted all the trees in the files but it stil says the same thing.

That's not what it means. It means that they're errors in your code when you compile it.
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
HA HA HA HA. I thought he meant he had deleted all the object trees! But now I see what he meant! *Whipes eyes from crying with laughter* Sorry Nitewulf, but no-one can really help you without checking through ALL of your code!

In response to Ease
Ease wrote:
HA HA HA HA. I thought he meant he had deleted all the object trees! But now I see what he meant! *Whipes eyes from crying with laughter* Sorry Nitewulf, but no-one can really help you without checking through ALL of your code!


He did mean that he deleted all the object trees....
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
D'oh. Stupid me. I thought that he had made a really really newbie mistake and deleted all of the /obj/Trees. But I guess not. D'oh (unless, he really did make that mistake, in which case "HA HA" - but of course, now he's never going to admit it)

In response to Ease
Ease wrote:
D'oh. Stupid me. I thought that he had made a really really newbie mistake and deleted all of the /obj/Trees. But I guess not. D'oh (unless, he really did make that mistake, in which case "HA HA" - but of course, now he's never going to admit it)


No...he did do that newbie mistake.
In response to Nitewulf12
Nitewulf12 wrote:
Be that as it may atleast answer my question...
Compile your code (Build -> Compile) then when/if errors pop up on the bottom on the Dream Maker screen then double click the text where it says the error then fix it or copy and paste it here so we can help you.
If there are no errors then look at your map.
In response to Nyck
i feel so newbish(even though this my first game) :'( ok thank you though *wipes tears away because he did somthing completley retarded*
In response to Nitewulf12
Evil Energy(mob/characters/M in oview(6))
set name = "Evil Energy Blast"
set category = "Fighting"
if(usr.kame == 1)
usr << "<tt>You are currently using a blast"
if(usr.kame == 0)
var/amount =usr.powerlevel/50
amount = usr.powerlevel/50

if(amount >= 1)
usr.kame = 1

view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>PREPAIR... FOR UNIMAGINABLE... PAIN!!!!!!"
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>EVIL ENERGY BLAST!!."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>Ha..."
view(6) << "<font color = red>,[usr]puts is so exhausted he faints!"
usr.overlays += /obj/renzuko2
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2
usr.powerlevel = 0
usr.kame = 0
usr.kame = 1

view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>PREPAIR FOR UNIMAGINABLE PAIN!!..."
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>EVIL ENERGY BLAST!!"
usr.overlays += /obj/renzuko2
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr]:<font color = white> <tt>HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!!!"
if(M.z == usr.z)
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
usr.kame = 0
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2

if(M.absorb == 0||M.absorb==1)
if(M.powerlevel >= usr.powerlevel)
M.random = rand(1,3)
if(M.random == 3)
view(6) << "[M] reflects [usr]'s blast back at him!"
s_missile('kame8.dmi', M, usr)
usr.powerlevel -= amount

view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr] shoots a barrage of ki blasts at [M]!!!"
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
view(6) << "<font color = red>[usr] shoots a barrage of ki blasts at [M]!!!"
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount
M.powerlevel -= amount

usr << "<b>You launch your Evil Energy Blast, but [M] is out of sight."
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2
usr.kame = 0

when i put this in the error popped up but when i took it out the error stopped i just need to know how i screwed it up (probably in another newbish way *sigh*)
In response to Nitewulf12
Always use
tags while posting a code.
In response to Nitewulf12
put [dm] [/dm] tags around the code and close your html...also tell us the errors
In response to N1ghtW1ng
I dont know the errors thats why i posted the code here...also im getting annoyed by constantly being corrected but no answer on how to fix my code problem.
In response to Nitewulf12
Maybe nobody want's to try reading white/red on grey. If you edit your post and put the <dm> and </dm> tags around the code you posted, some people might be more willing to read it.

Wow, I figured this would blow over. Since it hasn't, I'll post my two cents. My reasons for posting this were as follows:
1. One of the people who posted before me told him to use [dm] and [/dm] instead of <dm> and </dm>.
2. I usually just skip through the code if it has font tags in it without using dm tags, because it's hard to read.
I don't particularly go around posting forum etiquette, but I was correcting someone's mistake, and genuinely trying to help him get more readers. If anyone thinks I was out of line, feel free to page me. This topic is taking up enough space on the forum already.
In response to Nitewulf12
When you compile, do you get any compilation errors?
If so, please post the error report.
In response to Xallius
im just goin to ignore that post.but here are the errors :( 7 of em bad argument definition bad argument definition bad argument definition bad argument definition bad argument definition bad argument definition bad argument definition
In response to Nitewulf12
Well, thats a start. Now we need you to post the code that corresponds to those line numbers. A few lines before and after would probably be helpful as well. When you post your code, please use
tags so we can read it. Not [dm][/dm]. Those don't work on this forum. You have to use <>.
In response to Flick
                            if(M.z == usr.z)
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
s_missile('kame8.dmi', usr, M)
usr.kame = 0
usr.overlays -= /obj/renzuko2

if(M.absorb == 0||M.absorb==1)
if(M.powerlevel >= usr.powerlevel)
M.random = rand(1,3)
if(M.random == 3)
view(6) << "[M] reflects [usr]'s blast back at him!"
s_missile('kame8.dmi', M, usr)
usr.powerlevel = amount

thats the part with the errors the errors are usr.powerlevel = amount,usr.kame = 0 and sleep(5) [all of them]
In response to Nitewulf12
Wow I can't believe you guys, he is obviously new, you don't have to correct him EVERYTIME he posts.
(whiny voice)
you posted in the wrong forum!
use dm tags!
your a newb!
don't bump so soon!
don't use that language!

If you want to correct him so that he learns how to use the forum thats fine, help him first, suggest what people usually do on the forum, and what he should maybe do next time. Don't post a correction and nothing else! Don't correct the same thing 8 times! Don't get mad at him! All thats going to do is frustrate him, and make him react innappropriately.

I apologize for them nitewulf.

Ne way, I don't think the problem is with your sleeps. Can I see the s_missile proc, and the declaration of M?
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