In response to Abra
Abra wrote:
I apologize for them nitewulf.

No, correction, he should be apologizing to us, and he's not new. We told him to stop using the Zeta source, and that's all he'll get from any of us.
In response to Goku72
Why do you guys CONSTENTLY do that when someone asks for help they want help not 50 different people correcting the same stupid thing.And Abra i dont know what you mean "the declaration of (M)" please explain i just got out of the 6th grade XD
In response to Nitewulf12
Unfortunetly, those errors don't seem to be directly caused by that chunk of code. We are probably going to need to see that whole proc(), whatever it is.

Many times, a simple typo somewhere in a proc doesn't trip an error for itself, but does cause errors farther down in your code.

More importantly... calm down. The people who frequent the Byond forums and attempt to help people do so of their own free will. Nobody here has any obligation whatsoever to help anyone else, they do so because they want to.

I realize their are some who get a bit over-exited about the 'Forum Rules', but while their manner is in some cases misguided, their points are valid. Most of the people who try and help others on the forums have lives outside of Byond. I have a wife, three kids, and a full time job. The fact that I don't respond to a post for twelve hours doesn't mean I'm not going to. Heck, sometimes I don't manage to get in here for days at a time. Be patient, be respectful, and listen to the advice people are giving you. If you do that, you will get help. It may not be as quick as you'd like, but it will come.
In response to Nitewulf12
You use the variable M repeatedly in the section of code you gave us. All variables must be declared before they can be used, like when you write var/mob/player/P that declares the verb P. It is most likely the first place the M is used in that area of the code. I need to see that, and the whole segment of code that starts with s_missile.
In response to Abra
I got back today from a camping trip with my friend but i got it fixed the day i left so thanks to those that did TRY to help and didnt just whine about my posts being wrong
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