I seem to have a problem fixing an error in getting rid of someone's admin powers.
Here's my code:
Deop(mob/m in usr.CRoom.who)
set category = "Admin Commands"
if(GLOBAL_ADMINS.Find(m.client.key) == 0)
usr.CRoom.admins -= m.client
m.verbs -= /mob/admin/verb/Kick
m.verbs -= /mob/admin/verb/Warn
m.verbs -= /mob/admin/verb/op
m.verbs -= /mob/admin/verb/deop
usr.CRoom.Cast("@@Admin [usr] has stripped [m] of his admin powers.....")
and here is the error I get:
Admin Powers.dm:43:error: Deop: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'
Admin Powers.dm:43:error: Deop: expected end of statement
how do I fix this???
Jun 12 2004, 11:06 am
Jun 12 2004, 12:18 pm
It's probably somewhere else down the code. The error means that you're missing a closing parenthasis or bracket ")". And I reviewed your brackets, they seem to be correct.
In response to JohnReaper
Well, I found out that the admin annouce message, "@@Admin [usr] has granted [m] the powers of an admin!", it WAS missing a ')'. But when I put it there, I was swarmed with errors.
There was so many errors that In 30 minutes I was halfway finished typing them out. So I'm going to stick to the tutorials and take at least a month to learn...... |