After an extended vacation from BYOND I have returned and taken up coding once again as a newbie, no demos/libraries/or tutorials this time around for me. Curious to know from the public's mouths(or shall I say fingers) what the local game vaults are really lacking to see if I can fill in one of the entertainment gaps possibly. Nice to be back, I must say, and alot of people are glad to see me around again... for some odd reason. ;-)
![]() Jun 16 2004, 11:21 am
Reason for the newbie forum is that I'd rather clutter up this space and... in regards to the topic I posted about an idea... I suppose that would be a newbie style of word. And it is always nice to meet new people, even if it is only through text. *shakes hand*
I just took up a project that will remain secret, except to a select few people... I will say that I have not seen any games personally that are the same as it, I have concept done, a large piece of art done, some of the coding done... I've even planned out what the first versions/milestones must contain, giving me a headstart over most people who begin coding... questions will start flying from me at some point I would bet. I've noticed over the course of the last few years that BYOND is obsessed with DBZ, building, icon trading, chatting, and meaningless nonstop monster slaying games(Although we have a few good chats... DBZ games went downhill after Spar and DBEO... and everyone likes slaying monsters from time to time.) Hope to see and talk to the community. ~Jowy |
Good to see you Jowy (...Who's Jowy? Oh well!), and Mooseboy, there aren't 50 or 60, Spuzzum's last check brought up about 1996 of them. Really! There are almost 2000 DBZ games! (Probably did reach 2k by now.)
Although RPGs are popular, they've been beat to death by BYONDers. The best idea is to make a single player game! I know lots of people who would like that! <font size= 1>*Cough*<font size= 2>Kunark<font size= 1>*Cough*<font size= 2>..... |
We'll youve got to consider 95% of those are from ppl who got their hands on zeta or some other game and STILL were too lazy to release it.
And as for RPGs, I AM making an rpg... but not the byond kind, where you walk around just clicking kill and stuff like that - more along the lines of ffl. *slaps self* bad Moose! Making excuses like that! |
Jowy wrote:
Reason for the newbie forum is that I'd rather clutter up this space and... This forum is for helping people with simple DM problems. Please use the correct forum, it's not that hard to read the- -----Forum Descriptions----- The BYOND forum is a resource where people can ask questions and otherwise gain helpful feedback, or friendly advice, about relevant information. However, for ease of reference and use, people are encouraged to obey proprietary rules about where to place a discussion or other message. Announcements This is where Dantom and their affiliates will make announcements pertaining to the community or software. To avoid clutter, other users may not post here. BYOND Q&A This is for questions oriented towards BYOND itself; if you have questions about how BYOND works, or have a request to make, it goes in this board. Questions and/or posts that are not about BYOND itself should not go in here, however. Thus, making a query about BYOND's future is perfectly valid, but a question about a game's future is not. BYOND Bugs This board is where you report errors with BYOND. Anything that does not function as it properly should in the documentation is a bug. If a BYOND program crashes, or if it otherwise causes ill effects to your computer, that is also a bug. Errors with your code are not bugs unless you are certain it cannot be a problem with your code. For example, an error message that you don't understand is not a bug, but a misunderstanding. Most of the time, people will be forgiving if you mistakenly report a bug. Code Problems This is the forum where you can get help on specific coding problems. There is definite overlap with the Newbie Central forum, which is intended to deal with common, beginner problems, so we won't be too upset if you post here or there. If you spent time working on your game, and it works all right but some error seems to plague you, you may be able to find the answer here. Likewise, if you simply can't determine a good solution to a problem, post your plan here, and people might be able to tip you off to something you could have missed. Some Code Problems are actually BYOND bugs. We don't get upset at all if you post code which turns out to be a bug. We do get slightly upset if you post code that doesn't work which doesn't turn out to be a bug, in the BYOND Bugs forum. Normally, though, people will understand, as everyone makes mistakes, especially when they aren't obvious. Creations In this section, you should post any discussions or announcements about games in progress, games completed, games being tested, or games available for BYOND. The definitions of those are fairly lax, but this is the board where you would discuss the features of your game, advantages of your game over other games, various suggestions for other peoples' games, polls, and questions. Much as BYOND Q&A is related to BYOND, this forum is related to your game and other games. Design Philosophy Design Philosophy is the place to be if you want to ask a question to other stimulated minds. Example topics would be "Punishments for PKers" or "Skills?"; anything that requires a long, in-depth, and meaningful discussion and debate. This is also the place to discuss the niceties of other games on the market, and what sorts of stimulation they can give you for BYOND programming. Feel free to post a new topic, or even revisit an old topic, as almost anyone can benefit from the results. Classified Ads This is a good place to advertise your skills (as a coder, icon designer, etc) or request help from others to fill certain needs. Conversation should be kept to a minimum here. Off Topic Here you can post stuff that either has no relevance to BYOND on the grand scheme of things, or where you are uncertain as to what subject your post would fall under. If you have a doubt, post it here; no one will be upset, and your message will probably be read regardless. However, try to put in an appropriate spot; read the descriptions of the forums, and put it in one of those forums if your post is relevant. That way, it makes it much easier for people to scroll through past posts and read what they have to say. Newbie Central This is the place to ask small questions about DM, the language of BYOND. Newbie Central is oriented towards getting answers to small problems, or to clarify issues that other sources, including the BYOND FAQ, didn't make completely clear to you. However, please be aware that requests for code are generally not within the scope of this board. |
Then let me begin by apologizing... and please explain that to the people who would be here instead of me saying things such as...
"can u make me a game code plz?" ...and speaking out as I did asking what the servers are lacking is less of anything else but a newbie opinion because I lack the recent knowledge of anything that is BYOND in its entirety. And also, Zaole posts a fine point right there that contradicts your very own statement. |
You're in the forum right now. Look up and click the "Index" option. Go to the bottom, look at Newbie Central's description. It says you can introduce yourself here! Ya know what, I think that's what Jowy was doing! WOW!
Jowy wrote:
DBZ games went downhill after Spar and DBEO... Well, that's if you're not looking closely enough. And, I am working on DBEO now (once Cinnom finishes what he wants to do to it anyhow). |
That's just a catchy phrase to sum up that it's for new people to BYOND, don't take it seriously. And he's not new to BYOND, or atleast he claims that he is not.
If you took the time to read my last post, you would see that this belongs in Creations. |
Xallius wrote:
That's just a catchy phrase to sum up that it's for new people to BYOND, don't take it seriously. And he's not new to BYOND, or atleast he claims that he is not. Heh. While I could at least see your argument for Jowy's post not belonging in Newbie Central- I don't agree with you, but I could at least see your argument- what about his original post convinces you that it belongs in Creations? :P By the way, welcome back Jowy. :) |
Nice to be back Flick... I'm hoping this new project brings in some excitement... but I guess I'll be finding that out in the not so distant future.
Mooseboy wrote:
Maybe you could try making a game using the Royal Nonesuch Engine? OneFishDown has stated many times that he is not going to simply release The Royal Nonesuch code. I have not seen any updates where he has changed his mind, but if you see one please notify us. If you are trying to bring up another attempt to change his mind, don't even bother. It is quite surprising that nobody else has taken the time to make their own version of it (at least none that I have seen). Try learning trigenomatry and attempting to make your own version of it, 'twould be quite fun if you like math as much as some of us. |
Anyway, why not make a DBZ game? There's only about 50 or 60 right now, a few more couldn't hurt...
Or rather, why not an ORIGIONAL DBZ game? There's only about 1 or 2...
I haven't seen too many games that aren't chatting or building or rpgs. Try something outside of those bounds.
Maybe you could try making a game using the Royal Nonesuch Engine?