I have some mob icons that exceed single tile size at times. I would like to know how would I add other parts of the mob as additional tiles, so that it appears as all one object.
In response to Soldierman
ok, I guess I worded my question wrong. I would like to know the process where I would create an extra obj that has the extended graphics, that flicks when it's needed, say at the mobs x location plus one, and is deleted when it's done.
In response to Delita12345
Right, create your obj what you want to extend the character with.

Like this: (2 spaces = tab)

pixel_x = 32 /*this makes it appear 32 pixels above location*/
icon = null //whatever you want
icon_state = null //again, whatever you want

Now you code the overlay like this:

usr.overlays += obj/player_cap

and there you have it...

Some more useful things:

-32 in the pixel_x value will make it appear below the mob, and pixel_y = 32 will be to the right side of the mob, and pixel_y = -32 will be the left.

That's all


edit: This method will work correctly with flick() if the Overlays are in a seperate dmi file to the mobs icon states, and also the overlay icon states must be named the same as the mob icon states.