I know, a realy stupid question that everyone else, except me, knows. Could you please tell me? Or tell me about a tutorial?
What you want to do is get a program to make midi's with. A decent, FREE program is Anvil Stuidio. I don't know of any others that are free.

Resonating Light
You don't create it, you find it.

If you want to put a certain midi it would be:

usr << sound('nameofmidi.mid',1)

or if you want a player its:

mob/verb/PlayMusic(S as sound)
set category = "Misc"
world << "[S] is played by [src]."
world << sound(S)

Also this could help:

You see the find box where it has a search button if you type in 'Music player verb' it'd probly give you a music player verb.

Anyway i hope that helped answer your question.
In response to Sioe
Sioe wrote:
You don't create it, you find it.
ugh dont teach people to rip LOL i think its great he wants to make his own music.
In response to Resonating_Light
Is there any way to upload music from your computer to it? Like say, Back in Black by AC/DC?

Edit: And where would i get Anvil Stuidio?
In response to Shadowcat519
In response to Sioe
Sioe wrote:
You don't create it, you find it.

You can create your own MIDI files and wav files. All you need to create a wav file is a microphone, the windows sound recorder, and a real-world sound you're making to record. To make a MIDI file, you'll need a program that can make MIDIs. There are some free, and some non-free ones on the internet. For anything except simple MIDIs though, you'll probably need a piano or something.
In response to Shadowcat519
Shadowcat519 wrote:
Is there any way to upload music from your computer to it? Like say, Back in Black by AC/DC?

You can't really take recorded sound or CD music and put it into a MIDI. A MIDI file is basically instructions telling the computer to play a certain pre-recorded instrument at a certain note. You'd probably want to use wavs instead, except that they can get pretty big.
Shadowcat519 wrote:
I know, a realy stupid question that everyone else, except me, knows. Could you please tell me? Or tell me about a tutorial?

:) Hope this helps you some what.
Sweet Little Piano
Desktop Guitarist

Not sure if those links work but give them a try.

-Slimus Green
In response to Jon88
Hell, I converted an MP3 to a wave. It went from 3MB to 32MB. WAVs are huge. So Then I tried just recording the MP3 into wav format. 30MB. -_-. SCREW J00 WAVs!