loading Naruto Online.dme
Naruto Online.dme:140:error: expected expression
New unbalanced }
Naruto Online.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings

Problem description:
Alright... I understand what it means for expected expression.. I checked the .dm file.. it IS spelled correctly with capitalization. and I don't understand the unbalanced error... has anyone experienced this before? some tips will help me out and I'll go from there. Thanks.
In your new jutsus file post the line of code it takes you to when you double click the error, and a line or two before and below the line.
when I double click the error, it sends me to the line that says obj. 0.o how can that be unbalanced? I have the word obj literally in the very beginning of the script.
I get that, lol but as it said, there's an unbalanced "}" in your code which is why I said what I said in my above post
icon = 'RaitonHeki.dmi'
density = 1
var/mob/M = A
var/damage = round(src.nin*5)
if(damage >= 1) -= damage
view(M) << "[M] was hit by Raiton no Heki for [damage] damage!!"
var/turf/T = A

Problem description:
That can't be the file. Once I defined the vars and made the dmi file and Death proc it compiled fine for me, and just looking at that piece of code the error isn't there.

You said when you double clicked the error it was on obj right? Is there anything coding above that? Or did you make a window or anything else and got an unbalanced amount of "}"
yes it was on obj. there are no other coding above it. I pretty much got this source from someone. and that someone did something to mess it up. lol I have tried checking the boxes on a different code and then a new error shows up for unbalanced for a new dm code. and the old one goes away. it's really weird. I know getting a source and trying to figure it out is a headache.. I know a little bit of coding for beginner and maybe a little more than beginner but yea. this source is a mess to be honest cause of this kid.
There is no errors in that piece of code. You must have something above the obj, or the error is somewhere else in that file
This is a very late reply, but look at the file that is alphabetically before the one with the error. Sometimes an error will be detected on the next line (because it happens that the broken line was okay by itself, but not when combined with the next line). If the broken line is at the end of a file, then the "next line" can be from a different file.