It's been a long time since I've used a profiler, and I don't quite remember what I should be on the look out for. I'm trying to cut/fix things that would be lag extensive.

Now, should I be looking for high SELF CPU or high TOTAL CPU?

An example:
0.000 self and total CPU, 170 real time, 277 calls

Would the above be lag extensive?

Another example:
0.427 self CPU, 0.435 total CPU, 513.464 real time, 1 call

How about this? Would this be lag extensive?

If someone could tell me what I should be on the lookout for and how I should read the profiler, I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you ^.^

It all depends on what you're looking for, high cpu usage I indicates that a lot of processing power is used in that proc/verb. High real-time can indicate hang ups in the code. Either can indicate 'lag'. The ideal situation results in the lowest cpu usage, lowest time, and least calls. Calling the procs less and making the code more efficient results in the best performance. Of course, things like saving tend to take a good deal of cpu and time. It's necessary to make these calls frequently, so optimizing and finding where and when you should call it would make things run smoother. It's hard to cause lag through even sub-par code on games that don't usually gain more than a dozen or two players on any decent machine. Another big cause in 'lag' is the connection speed of the server, limiting the upload/down of the host's broadband could make things smoother, as would increasing the speeds of the connection. Most modern server providers have 100mbps up/down rates for that very reason.
Sorry it took so long for someone to help you.