GM_building_Add(mob/M in world)
set category = "Admin"
set name = "GM building add"
M.verbs += /mob/Building/verb/
world<< "[M] got his building verbs back thanks to [usr]"

i want to try and make that so i dont have to list every item making it easier for me to add new objects but this appears

runtime error: wrong type of value for list
proc name: GM building add (/mob/Admin/verb/GM_building_Add)
source file:,1048
usr: Strawgate (/mob/characters/BlueColoredMarle)
src: Strawgate (/mob/characters/BlueColoredMarle)
call stack:
Strawgate (/mob/characters/BlueColoredMarle): GM building add(Strawgate (/mob/characters/BlueColoredMarle))
I believe you meant to add typesof(/mob/Building/verb) instead. Just adding the type path is useless because that path isn't a proper verb by itself.

Lummox JR