It seems like the term "High Score" dosent apply to video games anymore. With the exception of some very simple games, Highs Scores don't exist.

Remember back when getting the high score on Super Mario Bros. was the biggest milestone you could make in your life?
New Super Mario Bros. :D
High scores still exist, somewhat. People know them as speed runs now. It's not so much that they stopped existing, but have moved to a different method of measurement.
I saw a guy beat Duke Nukem 2 in 3 minutes.
Neat stuff.
Xb360 achievements = highscore?
Well, this isn't quite the same highscore, but in GTA if you turn on "Flying cars" and pick up a prostitute then fly onto a building...
I prefered to measure success by how many extra lives I had at the end of a Super Mario game, and I suppose with so many coins I might have had some pretty high scores too...

I prefered % complete as Donkey Kong Country. :-)
Hey Mett, I seem to have misplaced you (or you, me :'( ) on MSN. Or don't you use that anymore?

Anyways, I always sucked at video games so I ranked how well I did at how far I was able to get before dying or being called to meals/bed/etc.
Thorg, Trillian stopped working for me (lets me use both AIM and MSN at the same time.) Using both AIM and MSN bogs my computer down, so i'm trying to get Trillian fixed
Druid, talk to me, I use Trillian and I can give you some hookups.
Gaim is for the weak.