Alright... I'm slowly(well... not quite) working into coding again... and arises my first problem which I AM going to overcome.
Currently I have turfs on a special scale for a multi-height effect on a single tile...
To go from the first to second floor you need to get to the stairs. First floor and the first floor stairs are invisibility(var) of 0, second floor stairs and the second floor are an invisibility of 1.
As you enter the stairs it is 2 icons in total, first floor stairs and second floor stairs. First floor stairs give you a see_invisibility(var) of 0 while the second floor stairs raise that by 1.
Also each has a layer that raises by +1 for each level and an elevation var going along with it(1, 1.5, 2, etc.).
In theory this would work to make a pseudo-3d effect to go up a level... what I was wondering was would it be lag intensive to do this? Also, when you have a higher see_invis/invis as you go up the floors do you think there would ever be a mob effect while transitioning between the two that would make someone higher up view you? I've seen it happen before and was curious as I can't host quite yet.
![]() Aug 4 2004, 10:56 am
The problem is that the easiest way is to make each level full of objs. That won't do, because of the limit. I'd suggest creating a new density variable, so that each turf has the density of all the turfs above it. You'll be limited by the maximum variable length, though. Then, extra layers will just be made up of overlays. It'll be hell to map it, so you should write up a utility to do that easily for you.
Well... to work upon those comments... how did his game run? By that I mean the system... as far as you know, did he have bad holes in his code that would generate lag or could there have been? Also, what was the server connection if you could tell me?
I know I will have some lag producing factors that I will have to work to find loopholes for, it's gonna be alot of work... but I feel it will be worthwhile. |
Happen to know the limit? As of yet...
Elevation - Map 7 - Sky 6.5 - Sky(Unless I find a way around it) 6 - Floor 5 5.5 - Stairs 5 - Floor 4 4.5 - Stairs 4 - Floor 2 3.5 - Stairs 3 - Floor 1 2.5 - Stairs 2 - Basement 1 1.5 - Stairs 1 - Basement 2 Also, each real number above 3 will have an alternative sky layer, but I can possibly change that to have it so you can go from turf A to turf B only if they are both sky layers... so on a normal outdoor turf you have 5 layers, the alternate system has 2(actually, it wouldn't work like that due to the height of buildings, gah)... indoor turf on most "outposts" as I will call them will have 13 layers. On your way, how would I go about it? Possible vars if you can help me there. I was hoping to use larger maps to remove the overly used "teleporters" as it will be action based and that would really ruin the feel I am working on. But if I must I will use different map levels and find a way to work around it. And... a utility to map what I have planned seems odd... since the world is pregenerated and will stay the way it is throughout the game... but I can think of a way that that will help later actually... |
The first time I have ever seen that done before was by Araven when he made his RPG. To answer you question about lag intensive it was for his. The only reason I didn't play more than I would have was because of the high lag do to the number of houses and floors on each map.
I don't know if you could differ from his system and make it less laggy but too do so would increase a chance of me entering your game too check it out.