ofcourse we can define directions such as north-west/east and south-west/east but the waht we define doesn't work with the arrow keys, it works with page up, home, end and page down keys only.

for example:


That code doesn't call the flick process as you hit the up and left arrows.

However it will work with the Home key.

Any help on how to make it work with the arrows?
You only have four directions with your arrow keys, East, West, North, South. BUT, you can use the numpad as a directional pad! Try pressing 7.
In response to JohnReaper
Yes and 7 says Home on it...

And i know the arrows only qualify as four keys but in places other than byond they also work for NE,NW,SE,SW. I was wondering if this is possible in byond aswell.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Depends what you mean. But otherthan using the numpad I don't think so (I never saw the "Home" there =)). That's unless you whip something up, but it won't be EXACTLY what you want.
In response to JohnReaper
I "mean" that they key works as u define it(you can move diagonally with it, flick icon states, call processes etc etc)
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Oh, so you mean you want someone to go southwest(1) and it'll call a flick?
In response to JohnReaper
i guess, just like hitting north does aswell...
In response to DeathAwaitsU
I see the problem in:

Sorry, I got mixed up in the question. Well, it's because you're using src! This is a client procedure, you should use usr.

That *should* work.
In response to JohnReaper
No, you should be using mob.

Anyway, your problem is that you want it so that pressing both up and left would move you northwest. BYOND only accepts one input at a time, so that doesn't work.
In response to JohnReaper
No it doesn't because byond doesn't recognize you hitting two arrow keys i think.

Someone in chatters just said that "thats the way BYOND works"

so i guess a suggestion would be to change the way BYOND works...
By the way, if in the icon you put a NW, SW, NE, NW direction aswell, why doesn't it show when you hit the Home(7), Page up(9), End(1) or the Page Down(3) key?