is there any code that will take 10 health points of the players car when he/she hits another can and when it below 100 health points it sould say come in to the pits and will fix the damage on your can and is there a code to do all that
Nope. None whatsoever.
In response to Garthor
I beleive you can use the Bump() function for this. So when a player Bumps into another car, it will do damage to them. Just give the player a variable that is the car's damage(not sure if the player will have life as well). And when their is a bump, add or take 10 damage from that damage variable...Check the DM Guide for info. on the Bump() proc. It should help..but Im a newbie coder as well, so I might be wrong.
In response to Goz
Awww. That's mean. Stop being mean to the n00blars. They're what keeps us on BYOND, if you think about it.

Someone help the n00blar. There's a good boy.

Anyway, What he/she is looking for is by using some variables and if() statements to check the Car's health.