I am currently having a problem writing many of the following programs I am about to ask about. I dident wanna write a fourm for each of em so I'm just putting all the questios here. Here goes:

1)I am making a stat bar type thing on the right side of the screen(like the one that castle has), and I am adding small life icons on the bar. I need to know how to make the icons of the lives(which are the same icons as the players head) change each time the player levels enough for him or her to have his or her icon changed.

2)I am making a spell in my game that is supposed to make 4 spell icons spin in a circle around the player. The second a monster is seen, one of the spells is supposed to fly away from the mob and step towards the monster(sort of like a homing missle). This is supposed to continue everytime a monster is seen, and is supposed to end once all 4 spell bolts are gone. Can someone tell me how to write this?

3)I need someone to tell me how to write a program that does the same thing as the artic wind spell in Rise of Heros.

4(and final question)I need to know how to program it so that a wizard like monster casts a diffrent spell in a strait line every once and a while, and that each spell has a diffrent effect. For instnace, i need to know how to make it so that a Mage's spell just shoots strait and hurts anything it touchs, how to make it so that a Sorcerer's spell goes a few feet then makes a flame where it stopped,
how to make it so that a druid's spell hurts the thing it hits AND knocks down any walls that the spell hits, and finally how to make it so that a Wizard's Spell goes strait rthrough the walls, but still hurts anything the spell hits.

If someone can answer these questions I would really appreciate it.
Newbie Central.