How do you keep a server up 24/7 like, Connect To An Online Game? So even when nobody's in it, the same server is always up.

I'm not sure how to do this, anyone know? :X
You, um, keep the hosting program running 24/7 and put its address in the "Login URL" field in the hub entry. =) I'm almost sure that wasn't the answer you were looking for, but I'm not sure what answer you WERE looking for, so I'll just shut up now.
In response to Crispy
It was, but what type of file do I put in the URL? an exe? or what?
In response to FireEmblem
and how can I turn my PC off if it's on 24/7?
In response to FireEmblem
FireEmblem wrote:
and how can I turn my PC off if it's on 24/7?

You don't.
In response to Wanabe
So Zilals PC is on 24/7 and NEVER goes off? (Lexiconomy)
In response to FireEmblem
FireEmblem wrote:
So Zilals PC is on 24/7 and NEVER goes off? (Lexiconomy)

NEVER say NEVER. Stuff happens, but either Zilal has a remote host that can be accessed via a shell to be managed or has a computer that stays on 24/7.

I have a computer within kicking distance that is on 24/7 and I use as a server, my main computer is also on nearly 24/7.