Hello all i have a small problem and i need someone to help.
I need someone to tell me how to code a Jump verb. I want it to make it so that its just like SG wheen you walk on the spring. So it moves you up spaces and puts a shadow under you, and then moves you down one space at a time. And when your jumping, i want it so that the player will be able to move over boxs, furni, etc, but not through or over walls. Also i need to know how to make a jump verb that makes you jump backwards, just like what the jump verb does, but it moves you backwards and keeps your dir the same even when jumping. And a side jump, that does almost the same effect with the moving up and down and the shadow, but moves you to either the mbs lft or right but keeps the mobs dir the same. I also need a fall proc, that does exactly the ssame thing as the one in SG2 when you fall through a hole. And finally, i need to know how to code it so that when a mob jumps and hits a dense object(like a pillar), and if the mob is wearing an object called cat claws, the stick to the wall and can jump off, but if they dont have it, they fall. Can someone tell me how to do all this?
*points at tutorials*
In response to CodingSkillz2
*thinks CodingSkillz2 should take his own advice*
In response to Dession
burn....heh but hey some people learn, from teaching others >.>

<edit>here to stay on topic

that might help you but its made for sidescrolling >.>

In response to N1ghtW1ng
Ok um that dosent help and im not making a side scrolling game so yeah.. I still need help people s give me soem please.
In response to Reinhartstar
What is "SG" and "SG2"?

In response to Reinhartstar
The jumping proc is made on the same basis i believe.
In response to Dession
lol..ouchies...but fyi i am looking at tutorials so blah ;P
In response to CodingSkillz2
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
lol..ouchies...but fyi i am looking at tutorials so blah ;P

Ouches is right my programming friend. You should not be giving other new programmers assistance when you yourself yet to understand the basics. I know you are trying to be helpful and im not trying to bash you but you should learn more about the DM language before you go helping new comers =P.

In response to Goz
Actually as I said before, It is good to help people with stuff you school and you just learn something for the first time and your friend asked you a question would you answer it the best you can until someone more appropriate came? Or would you just ignore him till someone else came?
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Actually as I said before, It is good to help people with stuff you school and you just learn something for the first time and your friend asked you a question would you answer it the best you can until someone more appropriate came? Or would you just ignore him till someone else came?

I would give him this peice of mind. "Go ask the teacher" or re-read the article on what to do.

In response to Goz
How about this scenario, you were with your friend at his house, and you both forgot your books to study so you have to do it by memory, but he has a bad memory so would you correct him?

Back to topic, I think that that Kunark's Jump thing should help you understand how to do it, even if your not doing a sidescroller
In response to Goz
What I use to do, and it worked realy well, is say what I would do, and ask if anyone knows a better way. I learned alot this way and helped out some fellow newbies at the same time.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
How about this scenario, you were with your friend at his house, and you both forgot your books to study so you have to do it by memory, but he has a bad memory so would you correct him?
I wouldnt be studying with that student then now would i?

Back to topic, I think that that Kunark's Jump thing should help you understand how to do it, even if your not doing a sidescroller

He says he isnt looking for a side scroll engine,perhaps he wants something for a regular game where you may jump over objects and such like in pokemon or harvest moon.

In response to Goz
In that case, change the state to a jump state increase the y by X power or something and then sleep() and then move the y back down and change the state...oh yeah become dense=0...that should work I think...
In response to Goz
Goz wrote:
What is "SG" and "SG2"?


Scarey Game and Scarey game 2

But anyway, im still kinda not getting it. Im starting to get it, but still not sure on how to make the mob move up when he jumps, and im COMPLETELY lost on how to make the mob move backwards but still keep the same dir.
In response to Reinhartstar